Neema Gospel Choir - Niongozwe Nawe Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: Niongozwe Nawe
  • Album: Niongozwe Nawe - EP
  • Artist: Neema Gospel Choir
  • Released On: 09 Jun 2022
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
Neema Gospel Choir Niongozwe Nawe

Niongozwe Nawe Lyrics

Ninaomba uende nami 
Oh Lord, please go with me. 

Uongoze hatua zangu
Take lead and guide my steps 

Bila wewe, mimi siwezi 
I can’t do a thing without you.

Sitaweza usipoenda nami
If you do not go with me, I can't do anything. 

Kama hauendi nami Usinitoe hapa,
Don’t take me from this place, If you don’t go with me.

Peke yangu sitaweza Usipoenda nami,
I won’t make it, if you do not go with me. 

Mahali hapa sikutaka Ili niheshimiwe,
This place is not mine to be respected

Nayanikute mateso Sawasawa nawe.
I choose to suffer as you suffered for me. 

Niongozwe nawe Bwana 
Oh Lord, please take lead.

Tangulia mbele
Lead from the front 

Unifate nyuma
Guide from the back 

(Ongoza) Hatua zangu
Guide my every step

Neema Gospel Choir - Niongozwe Nawe (Official Live Music)

Niongozwe Nawe Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Niongozwe Nawe is a powerful Swahili worship song by the Neema Gospel Choir. This beautiful song calls upon the Lord to lead and guide our steps in life's journey. It expresses the deep desire for God's presence and acknowledges our complete dependency on Him.

1. The Meaning of Niongozwe Nawe:
The title of the song, Niongozwe Nawe, translates to "Lead me with You" in English. It is a heartfelt plea to God to guide and direct our paths. This song beautifully captures the essence of surrendering our will to God's leading, acknowledging that without His guidance, we are lost and unable to navigate life's challenges. It emphasizes the importance of seeking God's presence in every step we take.

2. The Inspiration and Story Behind Niongozwe Nawe:
While the specific inspiration behind Niongozwe Nawe may not be readily available, the theme of seeking God's guidance and surrendering to His will is a common thread in many Christian worship songs. The desire to be led by God stems from the realization that our human wisdom and understanding are limited, and only God's guidance can truly direct us onto the right path.

3. Bible Verses Related to Niongozwe Nawe's Message:
Several Bible verses reinforce the message of Niongozwe Nawe and provide a biblical foundation for seeking God's guidance in our lives. Here are a few:

a) Proverbs 3:5-6: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." This verse reminds us to trust in God completely and submit to His leading, for He will make our paths straight.

b) Psalm 32:8: "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you." God promises to instruct and guide us along the right path. He watches over us with love and provides counsel to those who seek Him.

c) Isaiah 30:21: "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, 'This is the way; walk in it.'" God promises to guide us, even in the midst of uncertainty. As we listen for His voice and follow His leading, He will show us the way we should walk.

d) Psalm 119:105: "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." God's Word is a source of guidance and illumination. It provides light and direction for our lives, helping us navigate through the darkness and uncertainties we may encounter.

4. The Power of Surrender and Dependence on God:
Niongozwe Nawe beautifully captures the power of surrender and complete dependence on God. It acknowledges that we are incapable of finding our own way and that true guidance comes from the Lord. By surrendering our plans, desires, and decisions to Him, we open ourselves up to experience His perfect will for our lives.

5. Tags:
- Worship song Niongozwe Nawe
- Neema Gospel Choir
- Seeking God's guidance
- Surrendering to God's will
- Dependence on God
- Biblical foundation of guidance
- Trusting in God's leading
- Acknowledging human limitations
- Following God's voice
- Illumination through God's Word

Niongozwe Nawe is a powerful worship song by the Neema Gospel Choir that calls upon God to lead and guide us in every step we take. It captures the essence of surrendering to God's will, acknowledging our dependence on Him, and seeking His guidance in our lives. The song reminds us of the importance of trusting in God's leading, listening for His voice, and following His path. Through its heartfelt lyrics and powerful melody, Niongozwe Nawe serves as a beautiful reminder of the power of surrender and the peace that comes from walking in God's presence. May we always seek His guidance and allow Him to lead us on the path of righteousness. Niongozwe Nawe Lyrics -  Neema Gospel Choir

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