Dr Ipyana - Niseme Nini (Baba NinaKushukuru Lyrics

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Niseme Nini (Baba NinaKushukuru Lyrics

Uliyoyatenda kwangu ni mengi 
Shuhuda zako hazielezeki 
Umefanya hili, umefanya lile 
Umenipa jina, Baba ninakushukuru (Rudia)

Niseme nini? Siwezi kueleza 
Baba ninakushukuru 
Umefanya mengi, siwezi kueleza 
Baba ninakushukuru 
Nikulipe nini, kwa yote umetenda? 
Baba ninakushukuru 
Nikulipe nini, kwa yote umetenda? 
Baba ninakushukuru 

Baraka zako hazihesabiki 
Wema wako hauzoeleki 
Umefanya hili, umefanya lile 
Umenipa jina, Baba ninakushukuru(Rudia)


Bali ninakushukuru 
Baba ninakushukuru 

Umefanya hili, umefanya lile 
Umenipa jina, Baba ninakushukuru

Umefanya hili, umefanya lile
Utafanya na lile, Bado ninakuamini(Rudia)

Dr Ipyana - Niseme Nini (Baba NinaKushukuru)-Thanksgiving Anthem SKIZA CODE SMS 6980427 send to 811

Niseme Nini (Baba NinaKushukuru Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Niseme Nini (Baba NinaKushukuru) is a powerful Swahili worship song performed by Dr. Ipyana, a renowned gospel artist. The song is a heartfelt expression of gratitude to God for His overwhelming blessings, faithfulness, and goodness.

1. Understanding the Meaning of "Niseme Nini (Baba NinaKushukuru)":

The title of the song, "Niseme Nini (Baba NinaKushukuru)" translates to "What Can I Say (Father, I Thank You)" in English. These words serve as a powerful reminder of the depth of gratitude we owe to God for His countless blessings in our lives. It reflects the awe and wonder that fills our hearts when we consider all that God has done for us.

The lyrics of the song express the songwriter's amazement at God's goodness and faithfulness. It acknowledges the many things God has done, both seen and unseen, and the countless blessings poured out upon His children. The repetition of the phrase "Baba ninakushukuru" (Father, I thank You) throughout the song emphasizes the songwriter's heartfelt appreciation and gratitude towards God.

2. The Inspiration and Story Behind "Niseme Nini (Baba NinaKushukuru)":

The song captures the songwriter's personal experiences with God's blessings and serves as a testimony to His unfailing love.

Often, gospel songs are inspired by personal encounters, testimonies, or revelations from God. They become a means of expressing gratitude, sharing the goodness of God, and encouraging others in their faith journey. "Niseme Nini (Baba NinaKushukuru)" is no exception, as it resonates with believers who have experienced God's faithfulness and want to express their gratitude to Him.

3. Relevant Bible Verses:

The lyrics of the song align with the biblical teachings on gratitude, thanksgiving, and trust in God. Here are a few Bible verses that relate to the message conveyed in "Niseme Nini (Baba NinaKushukuru)":

a) Psalm 100:4 (NIV):
"Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name."

This verse encourages believers to approach God with a heart full of thanksgiving and praise. It reminds us that gratitude should be an integral part of our worship and relationship with God.

b) 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NIV):
"Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."

This verse exhorts believers to cultivate an attitude of thankfulness in all circumstances. It reminds us that gratitude should not be dependent on our circumstances but should flow from a heart that recognizes God's sovereignty and goodness.

c) Colossians 3:17 (NIV):
"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."

This verse emphasizes the importance of expressing gratitude to God in all aspects of our lives. It reminds us that our words and actions should be motivated by a heart filled with thanksgiving and dedicated to honoring God.

4. The Impact and Significance of "Niseme Nini (Baba NinaKushukuru)":

"Niseme Nini (Baba NinaKushukuru)" has become a widely popular worship song in Swahili-speaking communities. Its powerful lyrics and melodious tune resonate with believers who have experienced God's faithfulness and desire to express their gratitude. The song serves as a reminder of the importance of thanksgiving and gratitude in our relationship with God.

In a world filled with challenges, uncertainties, and trials, songs like "Niseme Nini (Baba NinaKushukuru)" provide encouragement, hope, and a reminder of God's faithfulness. It lifts spirits, inspires worship, and strengthens believers' faith in God's provision and goodness.


"Niseme Nini (Baba NinaKushukuru)" by Dr. Ipyana is an uplifting worship song that encapsulates the deep gratitude and praise that believers have towards God. Its heartfelt lyrics, inspired by personal encounters with God's blessings, resonate with believers who seek to express their thanksgiving and trust in Him.

The song's message aligns with biblical teachings on gratitude, thanksgiving, and trust in God. It serves as a reminder to approach God with a heart full of gratitude, to give thanks in all circumstances, and to honor Him in all aspects of our lives.

Through its powerful melody and heartfelt lyrics, "Niseme Nini (Baba NinaKushukuru)" continues to impact and inspire worshipers, fostering an atmosphere of praise and thanksgiving. It reminds us of God's faithfulness and encourages us to continually express our gratitude to Him.  Niseme Nini (Baba NinaKushukuru Lyrics -  Dr Ipyana

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