Zabron Singers - Mkono Wa Bwana Lyrics

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Mkono Wa Bwana Lyrics

Tumeuona mkono wake Bwana

Mengi mazuri tumeyaona, Mungu umetenda
Ni kweli we muweza
Ulitamka vitu vikawa
Neno tu latosha
Ukisema umetenda
Bahari shamu Isiraeli
Ah uliwavusha
Kawatoa utumwani
Watumishi wako umewapa
Yote waombayo
Ikiwa umependezwa

Uamulo hakuna wa kulipinga
Hakika we ni Mungu, wa vyote
Unatawala dunia na vilivyomo
Makuu umeyatenda, Jehova

Tumeuona, mkono wako Bwana
Matendo yako Bwana ni makuu mno
Umetutoa mbali, ukatushika mkono
Mahali uliona pekee hatuwezi
Chini hata juu, watu unawainua
Sifa na utukufu ni zako milele
Twasifu jina lako, milele tutakusifu
Daima we u mwema tutaishi kwako

Tumeuona, mkono wako Bwana
Matendo yako Bwana ni makuu mno
Umetutoa mbali, ukatushika mkono
Mahali uliona pekee hatuwezi
Chini hata juu, watu unawainua
Sifa na utukufu ni zako milele
Twasifu jina lako, milele tutakusifu
Daima we u mwema tutaishi kwako

Ona ona ona ona
Msalabani ulitufia, hm ulitupenda
Dhambi zetu ukabeba
Baraka zako tuliziomba kweli tumeona
Hakika unabariki
Hata vipaji we ndo hutoa umetuwezesha
Tunaimba na kusifu
Walio haki hutowaacha, uliwaahidi
Hata mwisho wa dahari

Hm watu wako umewapa mamlaka
kwa jina lako Yesu
Na huna ubaguzi
Wote ni sawa kwako
Umetuita Yesu, tupone


Ona ona ona
Daima we umwema tutaishi kwako

MKONO WA BWANA by Zabron Singers (SMS SKIZA 8561961 TO 811)

Mkono Wa Bwana Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Mkono Wa Bwana - Tumeuona Mkono Wako Bwana: A Song of Faith and God's Power


"Mkono Wa Bwana - Tumeuona Mkono Wako Bwana" is a powerful Swahili worship song performed by the Zabron Singers. Translated to English, the title means "We Have Seen the Hand of the Lord - We Have Seen Your Hand, Lord." This song is a beautiful expression of faith, gratitude, and awe for the mighty works of God.

Meaning and Inspiration

The song "Mkono Wa Bwana - Tumeuona Mkono Wako Bwana" is a testament to the goodness and faithfulness of God. It acknowledges the marvelous deeds that God has done in the lives of His people and the power of His word to bring about transformation. The lyrics speak of witnessing God's hand in action, from parting the Red Sea for the Israelites to raising up the humble and lifting the downtrodden.

The inspiration behind this song likely stems from personal experiences of the Zabron Singers or the songwriter. It could be a reflection of the miracles they have witnessed in their own lives or the testimonies they have heard from others. This song encourages believers to remember and celebrate the mighty acts of God, strengthening their faith and trust in His power to deliver, heal, and provide.

Biblical References

The lyrics of "Mkono Wa Bwana - Tumeuona Mkono Wako Bwana" are rich in biblical references, drawing inspiration from various passages. Let's explore some of these references and their significance:

1. Exodus 14:21-22 (The Parting of the Red Sea)
The song references the miraculous event of God parting the Red Sea for the Israelites, allowing them to cross on dry land while the pursuing Egyptian army was drowned. This event is a powerful demonstration of God's power and faithfulness to His people, and it is mentioned in the following lyrics:
"Bahari shamu Isiraeli, Ah uliwavusha, Kawatoa utumwani" (You parted the Red Sea for the Israelites, You led them out of bondage).

2. Exodus 15:2 (The Song of Moses)
After the Israelites safely crossed the Red Sea, Moses and the people of Israel sang a song of praise to God, celebrating His victory over their enemies. The lyrics of "Mkono Wa Bwana - Tumeuona Mkono Wako Bwana" echo the sentiments of this song as they exalt the Lord's triumph and power:
"Tumeuona, mkono wako Bwana, Matendo yako Bwana ni makuu mno" (We have seen Your hand, Lord, Your works are mighty).

3. Psalm 113:7-8 (God Raises the Poor and Needy)
The song acknowledges God's heart for the marginalized and His ability to uplift the lowly:
"Chini hata juu, watu unawainua" (From the lowest to the highest, You lift up the people).

4. Romans 8:28 (All Things Work Together for Good)
The lyrics express confidence in God's sovereignty and His ability to work all things for the good of those who love Him:
"Uamulo hakuna wa kulipinga, Hakika we ni Mungu, wa vyote" (No one can oppose Your decision, Indeed, You are God of all).

5. Galatians 3:28 (No Distinction in Christ)
The song celebrates the inclusivity of God's love and His willingness to bless all who call upon His name, regardless of their background or status:
"Huna ubaguzi, Wote ni sawa kwako, Umetuita Yesu, tupone" (You have no discrimination, We are all equal to You, You have called us Jesus, to be healed).

6. Psalm 103:2-4 (Bless the Lord, O My Soul)
The lyrics express a heart of gratitude and praise to God, as the psalmist does in Psalm 103:
"Bahari shamu Isiraeli, Ah uliwavusha, Kawatoa utumwani" (You parted the Red Sea for the Israelites, You led them out of bondage).

These biblical references add depth and significance to the song, reminding believers of God's faithfulness throughout history and inviting them to trust in His power and love.


"Mkono Wa Bwana - Tumeuona Mkono Wako Bwana" is a powerful worship song that celebrates the faithfulness and mighty works of God. Its lyrics speak of witnessing God's hand in action, acknowledging His power to deliver, heal, and uplift. The song draws inspiration from biblical events such as the parting of the Red Sea and the song of Moses, highlighting God's sovereignty and His love for all people.

As believers sing this song, it serves as a reminder of God's past faithfulness and encourages them to trust in His power and goodness in their own lives. The lyrics express gratitude, awe, and praise for the God who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think. "Mkono Wa Bwana - Tumeuona Mkono Wako Bwana" is a beautiful expression of faith and an invitation to worship the God who is worthy of all praise. Mkono Wa Bwana Lyrics -  Zabron Singers

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