Sarah K - Nina sababu ya ku-kuabudu Lyrics

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Nina sababu ya ku-kuabudu Lyrics

Ninasababu ya kukuabudu
Ninasababu ya kukusifu
Ukuu wako na uwaminifu wako
Nisababu ya kuku-uabudu x2

Halleluya ninasababu ya kukuabudu
Halleluyah ninasababu ya kukuusifu
Ukuu wako na uwaminifu wakoo
Nisababu ya kukuuabudu x2

Uliniiumba ilinikuabudu
Uliniumba nikukusifu
Kwamfano wako uliniiumba
Ninasababu ya kukuabudu x2

Halleluya ninasababu ya kukuabudu
Halleluyah ninasababu ya kukuusifu
Ukuu wako na uwaminifu wakoo
Nisababu ya kukuuabudu x4

Ni sababu ya Kukuabudu

Dr. Sarah k - Nina Sababu Ya Kukuabudu(Official Video) "SKIZA 7396686"

Nina sababu ya ku-kuabudu Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Nina sababu ya ku-kuabudu is a Swahili gospel song by Sarah K. This song is a beautiful expression of worship and adoration to God for His goodness, faithfulness, and love. It is a powerful reminder that we were created to worship God, and He is worthy of all our praise.

Meaning of the song
The title of the song, Nina sababu ya ku-kuabudu, translates to "I have a reason to worship you." The song's lyrics capture the essence of gratitude and praise to God for His love and faithfulness. It is a declaration of the singer's love for God and her commitment to worship Him.

Inspiration and story behind the song
The inspiration behind the song is not documented, but it is clear that the songwriter had a deep desire to express her gratitude and worship to God. The song is an excellent example of how music can be used to connect with God and express our feelings towards Him. It is evident that the songwriter had a personal encounter with God and wanted to share that experience with others.

Bible verses that the song relates to
The song's lyrics are based on biblical principles of worship and gratitude. The Bible encourages us to offer praise and worship to God continually. In Psalm 150:6, the Bible says, "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!" This verse is a clear indication that praise and worship are not optional for Christians. It is a commandment that requires our obedience.

The song also highlights the goodness and faithfulness of God. In Psalm 100:5, the Bible says, "For the Lord is good; His steadfast love endures forever, and His faithfulness to all generations." This verse is a reminder that God's love and faithfulness are eternal, and we can always trust Him to be there for us.

Practical application of the song to Christian living
Nina sababu ya ku-kuabudu is a powerful reminder that worship is an essential aspect of the Christian life. It is not something we do only in church but a lifestyle that we must adopt daily. Worship is not limited to singing songs but also involves how we live our lives.

As Christians, we should cultivate a lifestyle of worship by living in obedience to God's Word and submitting to His will. In Romans 12:1, the Bible says, "I appeal to you, therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship." This verse is a call to present our lives as a sacrifice to God, which is our reasonable worship.

In conclusion, Nina sababu ya ku-kuabudu is a beautiful expression of worship and gratitude to God. The song's lyrics remind us that God is worthy of all our praise and worship. As Christians, we must adopt a lifestyle of worship and live in obedience to God's Word. Let us continually offer our lives as a living sacrifice to God, which is our reasonable worship. Nina sababu ya ku-kuabudu Lyrics -  Sarah K

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