Guardian Angel + Esther Wahome - Ni Wewe - Uketiye kwenye kiti cha enzi Lyrics

Ni Wewe - Uketiye kwenye kiti cha enzi Lyrics

Uketiye kwenye kiti cha enzi ni wewe
Usifiwe, wa kupewa utufu ni wewe 
Uketiye kwenye kiti cha enzi ni wewe
Usifiwe, wa kupewa utufu ni wewe

Wa kupewa sifa ni wewe 
Wa kuabudiwa ni wewe 
Wa kuhimidiwa ni wewe 
Wa kuheshimiwa ni wewe 

Uliye mwalimu bila shahada 
Uponyeaye bila kusomea dawa 
Pokea hii sadaka ya juu Bwana 
Pokea sala zetu Baba 
Utuondoleae lawama 
Uliyeumba wala hukuumbwa 
Si ni wewe? Si ni wewe? Si ni wewe? 
Ni wewe 

Uketiye kwenye kiti cha enzi ni wewe
Usifiwe, wa kupewa utufu ni wewe 
Uketiye kwenye kiti cha enzi ni wewe
Usifiwe, wa kupewa utufu ni wewe

Pokea sifa zetu Bwana 
Tunakuabudu Bwana 
Tunakuheshimu Bwana 
Wa kuabudiwa ni wewe 

Uketiye kwenye kiti cha enzi ni wewe
Usifiwe, wa kupewa utufu ni wewe 
Uketiye kwenye kiti cha enzi ni wewe
Usifiwe, wa kupewa utufu ni wewe

Ni Wewe BY Guardian Angel X Esther Wahome SMS skiza 7500484 to 811

Ni Wewe - Uketiye kwenye kiti cha enzi Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Ni Wewe - Uketiye kwenye kiti cha enzi, a powerful gospel song performed by Guardian Angel and Esther Wahome, is a song that resonates with the Christian faith. With its heartfelt lyrics and soul-stirring melody, the song has captured the hearts of many believers around the world.

I. The Meaning of "Ni Wewe - Uketiye Kwenye Kiti cha Enzi":
The title of the song, "Ni Wewe - Uketiye kwenye kiti cha enzi," translates to "It is You - Seated on the Throne" in English. The lyrics express adoration, praise, and worship to God, acknowledging His sovereignty and majesty. The song emphasizes that God alone is worthy of all honor, glory, and worship. It encourages believers to lift their voices in praise and exaltation to the One who sits on the throne.

II. The Inspiration and Story Behind "Ni Wewe - Uketiye Kwenye Kiti cha Enzi":
The song was created to remind believers of God's greatness and to lead them into a place of reverence and adoration. The collaboration between Guardian Angel and Esther Wahome brings a unique blend of contemporary and traditional gospel styles, creating a powerful musical backdrop for the song's message.

III. Bible Verses That Relate to "Ni Wewe - Uketiye Kwenye Kiti cha Enzi":

1. Revelation 4:11 (NIV):
"‘You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will, they were created and have their being.’"

This verse highlights the theme of the song, acknowledging God's worthiness to receive glory, honor, and power. It echoes the lyrics that proclaim God as the One seated on the throne.

2. Psalm 47:8 (NIV):
"God reigns over the nations; God is seated on his holy throne."

This verse reflects the image of God seated on His throne, ruling over all nations. It aligns with the lyrics that exalt God's sovereignty and leadership.

3. Psalm 99:1 (NIV):
"The Lord reigns, let the nations tremble; he sits enthroned between the cherubim, let the earth shake."

This verse emphasizes the awe-inspiring power and authority of God as He reigns over the nations. It resonates with the song's message of worship and reverence.

4. Isaiah 6:1 (NIV):
"In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord, high and exalted, seated on a throne; and the train of his robe filled the temple."

This verse describes the vision of the prophet Isaiah, where he sees the Lord seated on a throne, exalted in glory. It paints a vivid picture that aligns with the song's imagery of God seated on the throne.

IV. The Impact and Relevance of "Ni Wewe - Uketiye Kwenye Kiti cha Enzi":
"Ni Wewe - Uketiye kwenye kiti cha enzi" has resonated deeply with believers across different cultures and denominations. The song's powerful lyrics and captivating melody make it a popular choice for worship services, conferences, and personal devotion. Its message of acknowledging God's supremacy and lifting Him high resonates with Christians seeking to deepen their relationship with God and express their love and adoration for Him.

V. Conclusion:
"Ni Wewe - Uketiye kwenye kiti cha enzi" is a profound gospel song that exalts God's sovereignty and majesty. Through its heartfelt lyrics and soul-stirring melody, the song invites believers to join in worship and adoration of the One who sits on the throne. Drawing inspiration from Bible verses that highlight God's reign and authority, the song serves as a powerful reminder of God's worthiness to receive glory, honor, and praise. As believers embrace the message of the song, they are encouraged to deepen their relationship with God and experience His presence in a more profound way. Ni Wewe - Uketiye kwenye kiti cha enzi Lyrics -  Guardian Angel

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