ZimPraise - Usafira/Chonyeba Lyrics

Usafira/Chonyeba Lyrics

Ayabulala amanga (lies kill)  
Bhsopha wena mzalwane (Be careful beloved) 
Ayabulala amanga 
Buz'uSafira lendoda yake 
(Ask Safira and her husband) 
Wambuza uPetro UAnania 
(Peter Asked Ananias) 
Wathi inxenye imali
(where is part of the money)
Uyifihleleni na? (Why did you hide it?)

Iphelele, yiyo yonke 
(This is all of it, they said (Safira and Anania)) 
Iphelele, yiyo yonke 
Iphelele, yiyo yonke 
Iphelele, yiyo yonke  

Bonke abaghamba amanga 
(All those that lie) 
Bayothiswa es'hogweni 
(Will burn in hell)  
Bonke abangela ghiniso 
(All those that don't speak the truth) 
Bayotshiwa emlilweni 
(Will burn in fire) 

Chonyeba, chonyeba satani 
(The devil is a liar) 
Chakandinyebera nguva yakareba 
(He lied to me for a long time) 
Kuti hazviite (That its impossible) 

Zvakanaka ndezvako 
(Good things are yours) 
Zvakanaka ndezvangu 
(Good things are mine) 
Zvakanaka ndezvedu iwe 
(Good thins are ours) 

Usafira/Chonyeba Video

Usafira/Chonyeba Lyrics -  ZimPraise

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