John Michael Talbot - Holy, Holy, Holy Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: Holy, Holy, Holy (Songs for Worship, No. 1)
  • Album: Songs for Worship, Vol. 1 & 2
  • Artist: John Michael Talbot
  • Released On: 01 Jan 1988
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
John Michael Talbot Holy, Holy, Holy

Holy, Holy, Holy Lyrics

So with all the choirs of Heaven
Praising You before Your throne
May we join our lives in singing
This song of praise
This song of praise

Holy, Holy, Holy
Is our Lord
Is the Lord our God of power
Is the Lord our God of might
The heavens and the earth are
full of your glory
Hosanna in the highest
Blessed is He Who comes in the
name of the Lord
Hosanna in the highest
Holy, Holy, Holy

Holy, Holy, Holy Video

Holy, Holy, Holy Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

John Michael Talbot's rendition of "Holy, Holy, Holy" is a deeply spiritual and worshipful song that resonates with many Christians around the world. It is a song that encapsulates the essence of worship, reverence, and adoration towards God. Through its lyrics and melody, it invites listeners into a profound experience of acknowledging God's holiness and majesty.

The song begins with an invocation of the holiness of God, a theme central to Christian theology and worship. This emphasis on God's holiness sets the tone for the entire song, inviting worshippers to join in a chorus of praise that transcends earthly confines, reaching up to the heavens where angels and celestial beings worship God unceasingly.

As the song progresses, it builds upon the imagery of the heavenly worship described in the Book of Revelation, where the seraphim continually proclaim, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come" (Revelation 4:8). This biblical reference underscores the eternal nature of God and His worthiness to receive glory and honor.

The chorus of the song, with its repetition of "Holy, holy, holy," mirrors the Trisagion, a liturgical proclamation found in both Eastern and Western Christian rites. This repetition is not mere redundancy but a profound affirmation of God's perfect holiness, a quality so central to His being that it requires a threefold acknowledgment.

John Michael Talbot's song also echoes the sentiments of Isaiah 6:3, where the prophet Isaiah has a vision of the Lord seated on a high and lofty throne, with seraphim standing above Him. Each seraphim cried out, "Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; His glory fills the whole earth." This Old Testament reference further enriches the song's narrative, connecting the worship experience of the listener with the worship experiences recorded in Scripture.

Towards its conclusion, the song moves from the celestial to the incarnational with the mention of "Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord." This line is a direct reference to Matthew 21:9, where the crowds shout Hosanna to Jesus as He enters Jerusalem. This transition reminds worshippers that the God they adore is not distant but has made Himself known and accessible through Jesus Christ.

In summary, John Michael Talbot's "Holy, Holy, Holy" is a song steeped in biblical imagery and theology. It invites listeners into a reflection on the holiness of God, bridging the gap between the heavenly and the earthly. By weaving together references from both the Old and New Testaments, the song creates a tapestry of worship that celebrates God's eternal nature, His majesty, and His intimate presence among His people. Through its lyrics, worshippers are reminded of the continuity of worship from the earthly realm to the heavenly, joined with the hosts of angels in adoration of the one true God. Holy, Holy, Holy Lyrics -  John Michael Talbot

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