Elevation Worship - Trust In God (Radio Version) Lyrics

Trust In God (Radio Version) Lyrics

Blessed assurance
Jesus is mine
He's been my fourth man in the fire
Time after time
Born of His spirit
And washed in His blood
And what He did for me on Calvary
Is more than enough

I trust in God
My Savior
The One who will never fail
He will never fail

Perfect submission
All is at rest
I know the author of tomorrow
Has ordered my steps
So this is my story
And this is my song
Oh I'm praising my risen king and savior
All the day long

I trust in God
My Savior
The One who will never fail
He will never fail
I trust in God
My Savior
The One who will never fail
He will never fail

I sought the Lord and He heard and He answered
I sought the Lord and He heard and He answered
I sought the Lord and He heard and He answered
That's why I trust Him
That's why I trust Him
I sought the Lord and He heard and He answered
I sought the Lord and He heard and He answered
I sought the Lord and He heard and He answered
That's why I trust Him
That's why I trust in God
My Savior
The One who will never fail
He will never fail
I trust in God
My Savior
The One who will never fail
He will never fail
That's why I trust in God

Trust In God (Radio Version) Video

Trust In God (Radio Version) Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

#### What is the meaning behind "Trust In God (Radio Version)" by Elevation Worship?

"Trust In God (Radio Version)" by Elevation Worship is a deeply spiritual song that centers on the theme of unwavering faith and trust in God through all circumstances. It emphasizes the believer's assurance in God's presence, guidance, and unfailing love. The lyrics reflect a personal journey of faith, highlighting moments of seeking, finding comfort in prayers answered, and celebrating the steadfast nature of God's character. It's a testament to the transformative power of trusting in God, who never fails his children, no matter the situation.

#### How do the lyrics of "Trust In God (Radio Version)" by Elevation Worship break down chronologically?

The song begins with a declaration of assurance in Jesus, reflecting a personal testimony of faith and salvation. It mentions the "fourth man in the fire," a reference to the biblical story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, symbolizing God's miraculous intervention and presence in trials. As the song progresses, it speaks to a state of perfect peace and submission to God's will, acknowledging His control over the future. The chorus reinforces the central message of trusting in God, the Savior who never fails. In the bridge, the lyrics recount seeking the Lord, hearing, and answering prayers, which amplifies the reason for the singer's trust in God. Each section of the song builds upon the previous, weaving a narrative of faith that is both personal and universal, culminating in a powerful declaration of trust in God's never-failing nature.

#### What Bible verses does "Trust In God (Radio Version)" by Elevation Worship relate to?

Several Bible verses resonate with the themes explored in "Trust In God (Radio Version)":

1. **Daniel 3:25** - This verse relates to the "fourth man in the fire" reference, where King Nebuchadnezzar sees a fourth man walking in the fiery furnace with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, representing God's protective presence.

2. **Proverbs 3:5-6** - "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." This verse underscores the song's theme of trusting in God rather than in oneself.

3. **Psalm 34:4** - "I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears." This verse directly relates to the bridge of the song, emphasizing the faithfulness of God in responding to those who seek Him.

4. **Philippians 4:6-7** - These verses speak to the peace that comes from trusting God, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." This peace and submission to God's will are themes echoed throughout the song.

Each of these verses offers a biblical foundation for the song's message of trust, faith, and assurance in God's unfailing presence and help.

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