Elevation Worship + Tiffany Hudson - Lamb Lyrics

Lamb Lyrics

You did not suffer for nothing
When you shed your blood 
Every drop was on purpose 
What amazing love

I will make my boast in your cross alone
Laying every crown at your feet 

Lamb of God
Worthy is the Lamb of God
Worthy is the Lamb of God
Worthy is the Lamb

And as you knelt in the garden
Was I on your mind
What was the joy set before you
Was my heart your prize 

May the Lamb receive His reward in me 
May the Lamb receive all the glory 

Written by Steven Furtick, Chris Brown, Tiffany Hudson

Lamb (Live From The Loft) | feat. Tiffany Hudson | Elevation Worship

Lamb Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Lamb by Elevation Worship + Tiffany Hudson: A Song of Worship and Adoration


In the world of Christian music, Elevation Worship has consistently delivered powerful and anointed songs that resonate with believers all over the world. One of their latest releases, "Lamb," featuring Tiffany Hudson, is no exception. This song is a beautiful expression of worship and adoration to Jesus, the Lamb of God.

Key Messages of the Song:

"Lamb" is a song that beautifully captures the essence of Jesus as the Lamb of God. The key messages of the song can be understood chronologically from the lines:

1. "You did not suffer for nothing, when You shed Your blood, every drop was on purpose, what amazing love." These lines emphasize the sacrificial nature of Jesus' death on the cross. The song acknowledges that Jesus' suffering and shedding of His blood were not in vain but had a profound purpose. It highlights the incredible love Jesus demonstrated by willingly laying down His life for humanity.

2. "I will make my boast in Your cross alone, laying every crown at Your feet." Here, the songwriter declares their commitment to find their worth and identity solely in the cross of Jesus. It reflects a posture of humility and surrender, acknowledging that any honor or recognition belongs to Jesus alone. It echoes the biblical truth that Jesus is the only One worthy of our adoration and exaltation (Philippians 3:7-9, Revelation 4:10-11).

3. "And as You knelt in the garden, was I on Your mind? What was the joy set before You? Was my heart Your prize?" These lines poignantly express the songwriter's contemplation of Jesus' suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane. It reflects on the profound love Jesus had for each individual, questioning whether the songwriter was on His mind during that agonizing moment. It emphasizes the joy and delight Jesus found in redeeming humanity, considering each person's heart as His prize.

4. "May the Lamb receive His reward in me, and may the Lamb receive all the glory." This part of the song is a prayerful declaration, desiring that Jesus, the Lamb of God, would receive His due reward. It expresses a deep desire to live a life that brings glory and honor to Jesus. It aligns with the biblical truth that our lives should be lived in a way that reflects God's glory and points others to Him (1 Corinthians 10:31, Matthew 5:16).

Meaning and Inspiration:

The song "Lamb" is a powerful expression of worship that seeks to honor Jesus as the Lamb of God. It is a reminder of the sacrificial love Jesus demonstrated on the cross and the purpose behind His suffering. The lyrics provoke introspection and reflection on the personal significance of Jesus' sacrifice. It inspires believers to find their identity and worth in the cross, laying down any personal crowns or achievements at the feet of Jesus. The song also highlights the joy and delight Jesus found in redeeming humanity, emphasizing the individual value He places on each person's heart.

Critically Analyzing the Biblical Alignment:

When evaluating the biblical alignment of a song, it is important to consider the lyrics in light of Scripture. "Lamb" by Elevation Worship + Tiffany Hudson is a song that aligns with biblical truths. It accurately portrays Jesus as the Lamb of God and emphasizes His sacrificial death on the cross.

The concept of Jesus as the Lamb of God is deeply rooted in Scripture. In John 1:29, John the Baptist declares, "Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!" This statement affirms Jesus' role as the ultimate sacrificial Lamb who takes away our sins through His death on the cross. The song beautifully captures this truth and magnifies Jesus' sacrifice.

Furthermore, the song emphasizes the biblical principle of finding our worth and identity in Jesus alone. Philippians 3:7-9 speaks to this concept, where the apostle Paul declares that he counts everything as loss compared to the surpassing worth of knowing Christ. The songwriter's declaration of making their boast in the cross of Jesus aligns with this biblical truth.

The song also echoes the biblical concept of living a life that brings glory to God. 1 Corinthians 10:31 states, "So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." The songwriter's desire for the Lamb to receive His reward in them and for all the glory to be given to Jesus reflects this biblical principle.

In conclusion, "Lamb" by Elevation Worship + Tiffany Hudson is a powerful and biblically aligned song of worship and adoration. Its lyrics beautifully capture the sacrificial nature of Jesus' death on the cross and inspire believers to find their worth in Him alone. The song's emphasis on giving all glory to Jesus and living a life that reflects His sacrifice aligns with biblical truths. It serves as a reminder of the incredible love Jesus demonstrated as the Lamb of God and encourages believers to respond in worship and surrender. Lamb Lyrics -  Elevation Worship

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