Elevation Worship + Madam Martha + Brandon Lake - LION Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Artist: Elevation Worship
  • Released On: 21 Jun 2024
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
Elevation Worship LION

LION Lyrics

God of Jacob
Great I Am
King of Angels
Son of Man
Voice of many waters
Song of heaven’s throne
Louder than the thunder
Make Your glory known

Hail Hail Lion of Judah
Let the Lion roar

Pride of Zion
Prophets spoke
Our Messiah
Flesh and bone
You alone are worthy
To open up the scroll
Like a lamb You suffered
But the Lion has arose

Prepare the way
Prepare the way of the Lord

O valley be raised up
O mountain be made low 

LION (feat. Chris Brown & Brandon Lake) | Elevation Worship

LION Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

LION: A Powerful Worship Anthem


"LION" is an exhilarating worship song performed by Elevation Worship, featuring Madam Martha and Brandon Lake. Its powerful lyrics and captivating melody have made it a popular choice for Christian worship gatherings worldwide.

Key Messages of the Song:

The song "LION" carries several key messages that are conveyed through its powerful and poetic lyrics. Let's examine these messages chronologically, starting from the opening lines:

1. God of Jacob: The song begins by acknowledging God as the God of Jacob. This reference to Jacob, one of the patriarchs of Israel, emphasizes God's faithfulness and covenant-keeping nature. It reminds us that just as God remained faithful to Jacob and his descendants, He is also faithful to us today.

2. Great I Am: The song further praises God as the "Great I Am," referencing the divine name revealed to Moses in Exodus 3:14. This title highlights God's eternal and self-existing nature, emphasizing His sovereignty and power over all creation.

3. King of Angels: By proclaiming God as the "King of Angels," the song acknowledges His reign and authority over heavenly beings. This message reminds us that God is not only the ruler of the earthly realm but also of the spiritual realm.

4. Son of Man: The reference to Jesus as the "Son of Man" highlights His humanity while also acknowledging His divinity. This title, used by Jesus to describe Himself in the Gospels, emphasizes His role as the Messiah and Savior of mankind.

5. Voice of many waters: This line draws inspiration from Revelation 1:15, where John describes hearing the voice of Jesus "like the sound of many waters." The imagery of powerful rushing waters symbolizes the authority and majesty of Christ's voice, which can bring forth both judgment and blessing.

6. Song of heaven's throne: Here, the song portrays Jesus as the eternal song of praise emanating from the heavenly throne. This imagery suggests that Jesus is the very essence of worship and adoration in heaven, leading all creation to worship Him.

7. Louder than the thunder: This line underscores the supremacy and power of Jesus' voice. It signifies that His voice is not only powerful but surpasses any other sound or force in existence. It demonstrates the awe-inspiring nature of Christ's authority.

8. Hail Hail Lion of Judah: This phrase directly refers to Jesus as the "Lion of Judah," a biblical title found in Revelation 5:5. The Lion of Judah represents Jesus' strength, power, and authority as the victorious Messiah who will conquer all evil and establish His kingdom.

9. Let the Lion roar: This line is a call for Jesus, the Lion of Judah, to demonstrate His power and authority by roaring. The roar symbolizes His triumph over sin, death, and the forces of darkness, as well as His ability to protect and provide for His people.

10. Pride of Zion: This line exalts Jesus as the pride or source of honor for Zion, which represents the people of God. It emphasizes the special relationship between Jesus and His followers, highlighting His role as their ultimate source of hope, joy, and salvation.

11. Prophets spoke: This phrase acknowledges the prophecies spoken about Jesus throughout the Old Testament. It highlights the fulfillment of these prophecies in Christ and affirms His divine identity and mission.

12. Our Messiah: By proclaiming Jesus as "Our Messiah," the song affirms Him as the long-awaited Savior and deliverer promised to the people of God. It acknowledges His role in bringing redemption, forgiveness, and eternal life to humanity.

13. Flesh and bone: This line references Jesus' incarnation, emphasizing His humanity. It reminds us that Jesus, though fully divine, took on human flesh and dwelt among us, experiencing our joys and sorrows firsthand.

14. You alone are worthy: This phrase declares Jesus' worthiness of all honor, praise, and worship. It recognizes His unparalleled glory, righteousness, and sacrificial love, acknowledging that He alone is deserving of our worship and devotion.

15. Prepare the way of the Lord: This line echoes the words of John the Baptist in Matthew 3:3, calling for hearts and lives to be prepared for the coming of the Lord. It serves as a reminder to make room for Jesus in our lives and to align ourselves with His purposes and kingdom.

Meaning and Inspiration:

The song "LION" is a powerful worship anthem that exalts Jesus Christ as the sovereign King of kings and Lord of lords. Its lyrics draw inspiration from biblical imagery and references, inviting believers to encounter the majesty, power, and authority of Jesus. The song serves as a reminder of Jesus' role as the Lion of Judah, the Messiah who has conquered sin and death, and who will one day establish His kingdom in fullness.

While the specific inspiration or story behind the song is not explicitly mentioned, it is evident that the lyrics were crafted to lead believers into a place of awe, reverence, and adoration for Jesus. The song seeks to create an atmosphere of worship where individuals can encounter the presence and glory of God.

Biblical Analysis:

From a biblical standpoint, "LION" aligns with Scripture in its portrayal of Jesus as the Lion of Judah, the Son of Man, and the King of kings. The biblical references used throughout the song, such as the voice of many waters and the Lion of Judah, can be found in Revelation and other passages of the Bible.

The song also draws from Old Testament prophecies and New Testament teachings about Jesus' identity and mission. It emphasizes His divinity, humanity, and redemptive work on the cross. The call to prepare the way of the Lord resonates with the teachings of John the Baptist and Jesus Himself, urging believers to repent, turn to God, and make room for Him in their lives.


"LION" is an impactful worship song that beautifully conveys the majesty, power, and authority of Jesus Christ. Its poetic and biblically-inspired lyrics invite believers to encounter the awe-inspiring presence of God and exalt Jesus as the Lion of Judah. The song's biblical foundations are evident through its use of various scriptural references and its alignment with the teachings of the Old and New Testaments. As believers engage with the song, they are encouraged to worship wholeheartedly and to prepare their hearts for the coming of the Lord. LION Lyrics -  Elevation Worship

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