Maverick City Music + Naomi Raine + Chandler Moore - You Are Welcome in This Place Lyrics

You Are Welcome in This Place Lyrics

You're the King
This is your Kingdom
Jesus come
You're the Father
This is your home
Abba Come

Pre Chorus:
If home is where the heart is
Come and dwell
Come and dwell
I will open up to you

You're welcome in this place
You're welcome in this place
Come and have your way with us
You're welcome

You're the Spirit
We're flesh and bone
Breathe on us
Without your presence
We are nothing
Fill us up

Now that you're here
We have everything we need
Now that you're here
We give everything we have

You're Welcome In This Place (feat. Naomi Raine & Chandler Moore) | Maverick City Music | TRIBL

You Are Welcome in This Place Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

"You Are Welcome in This Place" is a powerful worship song performed by Maverick City Music, featuring Naomi Raine and Chandler Moore. This song beautifully expresses a heartfelt invitation to Jesus, acknowledging Him as the King, the Father, and the Spirit, and welcoming Him into our lives and hearts. With its captivating melody and heartfelt lyrics, this song serves as a reminder of our desire for God's presence and the importance of making Him the center of our lives.

Meaning and Inspiration:

The song "You Are Welcome in This Place" carries a deep meaning of surrender and invitation. It acknowledges Jesus as the King of our lives, recognizing His rightful place as the ruler of our hearts and our entire existence. By proclaiming that this is His Kingdom and His home, we are acknowledging that everything we have belongs to Him.

The inspiration behind this song stems from the desire to create an atmosphere of worship where God's presence can manifest. It is a cry to the Lord to come and dwell among us, to fill us with His Spirit, and to transform our lives through His love and grace.

Biblical References:

1. Psalm 24:9-10 - "Lift up your heads, you gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle."

This verse emphasizes the importance of opening the doors of our hearts and lives to welcome the King of glory. It encourages us to make room for His presence and surrender our lives to His rule.

2. John 14:23 - "Jesus replied, 'Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.'"

In this verse, Jesus promises that when we obey His teachings and love Him, He and the Father will come and make their home within us. It reflects the invitation in the song to welcome Jesus into our lives and make space for Him to dwell.

3. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 - "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies."

These verses remind us that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, and we have been bought at a price by Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. Therefore, we are called to honor God with our bodies and invite His presence to dwell within us.

The Lyrics and their Meaning:

Verse 1:

"You're the King, This is your Kingdom"
This line acknowledges Jesus as the King and affirms His sovereignty over our lives. It recognizes that our lives are a part of His Kingdom, and we submit to His rule and authority.

Verse 2:

"You're the Father, This is your home"
Here, the lyrics express the intimate relationship we have with God as our Father. It recognizes that our lives are His dwelling place, and we invite Him to make Himself at home in our hearts.


"If home is where the heart is, Come and dwell"
This line highlights the importance of opening our hearts to Jesus and inviting Him to dwell within us. It acknowledges that our hearts are the place where He can truly make His home.


"You're welcome in this place, You're welcome in this place, Come and have your way with us, You're welcome"
The chorus is an invitation to Jesus, expressing our desire for Him to be present and have His way in our lives. It is a declaration that we welcome Him into every aspect of our being and surrender to His plans and purposes.


"Now that you're here, We have everything we need
Now that you're here, We give everything we have"

The bridge celebrates the transformative power of Jesus' presence. It recognizes that with Him, we lack nothing, and He is our ultimate source of fulfillment. It also symbolizes our surrender and willingness to give our all to Him.

Overall, the lyrics of "You Are Welcome in This Place" beautifully convey our longing for God's presence and our willingness to surrender to His lordship. It serves as a reminder to make Him the center of our lives and create an atmosphere where He can manifest His love and power.

Tags: worship song, Maverick City Music, Naomi Raine, Chandler Moore, surrender, invitation, Jesus, King, Father, Spirit, presence, Kingdom, home, dwell, heart, obedience, temple, honor, lyrics, meaning, inspiration, Bible verses, surrender, fulfillment, worship, transformation. You Are Welcome in This Place Lyrics -  Maverick City Music

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