Unspoken - Wasted Time Lyrics
- Song Title: Wasted Time
- Album: Reason
- Artist: Unspoken
- Released On: 21 Jun 2019
- Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music

At my age you’d think that I might have it all together
By this time I thought that I would be a little further
Feels like every morning when I wake
I’m just starting, starting over
I can’t go and change the past what’s broken remains broken
I can’t see what the future holds until that door is opened
It’s too much to understand
So I leave it in your hands
You’re the God who makes up for wasted time
You’re the one who makes straight the crooked lines
Every promise broken
Seconds that were stolen
Years that have slipped on by
You’re the God who makes up for wasted time
There's days that I don’t take a step cause I've got so far to go
Weeks I work a hundred hours but have nothing to show
All I have is all you ask, all you ask is all I have
You’re healing my heartbreak
You cover my mistakes
Dreams greater than mine you bring to life
You make a new way take me to a better place
You can turn it all around in the blink of an eye