Maverick City Music + Joe L Barnes + Jekalyn Carr + Ryan Ofei - Build My Life Lyrics

Build My Life Lyrics

Worthy of every song we could ever sing
Worthy of all the praise we could ever bring
Worthy of every breath we could ever breathe
We live for You
Jesus, the name above every other name
Jesus, the only One who could ever save
Worthy of every breath we could ever breathe
We live for You, Oh we live for You
Holy, there is no One like You
There is none beside You
Open up my eyes in wonder
Show me who You are
And fill me with Your heart
And lead me in Your love to those around me

Worthy of every song we could ever sing
Worthy of all the praise we could ever bring
You are Worthy of every breath we could ever breathe
We live for You
Everything for You, Jesus

Jesus, the name above every other name
Jesus, the only One who could ever save
You are Worthy of every breath we could ever breathe
We live for You

Holy, there is no one like You
There is none beside You
Open up my eyes in wonder
Show me who You are
And fill me with Your heart
And lead me in Your love to those around me

You, alone, the Cornerstone
The solid rock on which we stand

I will build my life upon Your love
It is a firm foundation
I will put my trust in You alone
And I will not be shaken
I will build my life upon Your love
It is a firm foundation
I will put my trust in You alone
And I will not be shaken
I will build my life

I will build my life upon Your love
It is a firm foundation
I will put my trust in You alone
And I will not be shaken

Holy, there is no One like You
There is none beside You
Open up my eyes in wonder
Show me who You are
And fill me with Your heart
And lead me in Your love to those around me

Holy, Holy, Holy
There is no one like God Almighty

I can never be shaken
On Christ the solid rock I stand
All other ground is sinking sand

Build My Life (feat. Joe L Barnes, Ryan Ofei & Jekalyn Carr) | TRIBL | Maverick City Music

Build My Life Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Build My Life: A Deep Dive into the Song by Maverick City Music + Joe L Barnes + Jekalyn Carr + Ryan Ofei

"Build My Life" is a powerful worship song performed by Maverick City Music, featuring Joe L Barnes, Jekalyn Carr, and Ryan Ofei. The song has garnered immense popularity among Christian music enthusiasts due to its heartfelt lyrics and captivating melodies.

Key Messages:
"Build My Life" carries a series of key messages that are beautifully conveyed through its lyrics. Let's delve into these messages chronologically:

1. Worthy of Every Song:
The song begins by acknowledging the worthiness of Jesus Christ. The lyrics state, "Worthy of every song we could ever sing, Worthy of all the praise we could ever bring." This line emphasizes the exalted position of Jesus as the recipient of all our worship and adoration. It highlights the magnitude of His greatness and the overwhelming love and reverence we have for Him.

2. Jesus, the Name above Every Other Name:
The next message focuses on the significance of the name of Jesus. The lyrics proclaim, "Jesus, the name above every other name, Jesus, the only One who could ever save." This line reflects the biblical truth found in Philippians 2:9-11, where it is written, "Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." It reiterates the supremacy of Jesus as the Savior and emphasizes the power and authority inherent in His name.

3. Worthy of Every Breath We Could Ever Breathe:
The song continues by expressing our complete devotion to Jesus. The lyrics declare, "Worthy of every breath we could ever breathe, We live for You." This message resonates with the biblical concept of living our lives as a living sacrifice to God. Romans 12:1 states, "Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship." It emphasizes the importance of surrendering every aspect of our lives to God and acknowledging Him as the source of our existence.

4. Holy, There is No One Like You:
The song then transitions into a beautiful expression of God's holiness. The lyrics exclaim, "Holy, there is no One like You, There is none beside You." This message aligns with the biblical portrayal of God's holiness throughout Scripture. In Isaiah 6:3, the prophet Isaiah encounters a vision of God's glory, and the seraphim cry out, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory." This line reminds us of the awe-inspiring and unique nature of God's holiness.

5. Open Up My Eyes in Wonder:
The next message focuses on seeking a deeper revelation of who God is. The lyrics implore, "Open up my eyes in wonder, Show me who You are, And fill me with Your heart." This line reflects the longing to have a genuine encounter with God and to experience His presence in a profound way. It echoes the psalmist's plea in Psalm 119:18, "Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law." It signifies our desire to have a deeper understanding of God's character and to be transformed by His love.

6. Lead Me in Your Love to Those Around Me:
The song concludes by highlighting the call to love and serve others. The lyrics state, "And lead me in Your love to those around me." This message echoes the two greatest commandments given by Jesus in Matthew 22:37-39, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" It reminds us of the importance of reflecting God's love to the world and being His ambassadors in fulfilling His mission.

Meaning and Inspiration:
The song "Build My Life" carries a profound meaning that revolves around our relationship with God. It is a declaration of our worship, surrender, and desire to live a life that brings glory to Him. The inspiration behind the song is rooted in the personal experiences and encounters of the songwriters and artists involved. It serves as a reminder that our lives should be built on the solid foundation of God's love, grace, and truth.

Biblical Analysis:
"Build My Life" is deeply rooted in biblical truths and draws upon various passages of Scripture to convey its messages. The key themes presented in the song align with the teachings found in the Bible, reinforcing the biblical foundation of the song. The references to the worthiness of Jesus, His exalted name, and the call to surrender our lives to Him are consistent with the biblical narrative. The song also emphasizes the holiness of God, the importance of seeking His revelation, and the commandment to love and serve others, which are all firmly grounded in Scripture.

"Build My Life" is a powerful worship song that encapsulates the core messages of our faith. Its lyrics beautifully express our devotion to Jesus, our acknowledgment of His worthiness, and our commitment to live a life that glorifies Him. The song's biblical foundation, combined with its heartfelt melodies, make it a favorite among believers. As we sing and meditate on the lyrics of "Build My Life," may it serve as a catalyst for a deeper connection with God and a renewed commitment to follow Him wholeheartedly. Build My Life Lyrics -  Maverick City Music

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