SEU Worship - We Walk Lyrics


We Walk Lyrics

Every stronghold, every built up thing
Must come crashing down unto the feet
Of our Jesus, our great victorious God

Every heartache and every earthly pain
He has promised he would take away
His name is Jesus, our great victorious God

Oh the battle has been won
There is no doubt, You are enough
All the righteous live by faith
That this love overcame the grave

We walk in power, we walk in love
We walk in Spirit, Oh we rise above
Christ has overcome, Christ has overcome

Let the world know and the people sing
The risen Savior, that died to set me free
His name is Jesus, our great victorious God

Oh the battle has been won
There is no doubt, You are enough
All the righteous live by faith
That this love overcame the grave

We walk in power, we walk in love
We walk in Spirit, Oh we rise above
Christ has overcome, Christ has overcome

Though I'll walk through fire
I'll walk through the waters that You part for me
Your Spirit takes me higher, it leads me on

We walk in power, we walk in love
We walk in Spirit, Oh we rise above
Christ has overcome, Christ has overcome

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