Russ Taff - Circuit Rider Lyrics


Circuit Rider Lyrics

(Verse 1)
Two men rode out on horseback;
Said "Good-bye & until then;
I should not be surprised at all, if I never see you again"

(Pre-Chorus A:)
He said, "If you never see me,
make sure you tell my friends that
I was preaching 'Jesus saves' until the bitter end"

(Verse 2:)
His voice was like the thunder;
and we stayed there all night long. He baptized several thousand;
and he taught us right from wrong.

(Pre-Chorus B:)
Most nights he went hungry;
He slept on cabin floors
But he spoke just like a hurricane
On fire for the Lord.

He came through town at midnight with a Bible and a cross;
he looked just like an outlaw, a Jesse James for God.
And I wanted to go with him; when he told how Jesus died.

Come on, circuit rider; and let me take a ride, ride, ride. Ride, ride, ride.

(Verse 3)
He taught us by example;
He lived it day by day.
He took in every orphan,
Sent some demons on their way.

Bridge 1:
He'd visit all the old folks;
He'd lend a helping hand.
And in the face of danger;
He would always take a stand.

Bridge 2:
He died at eighty-seven;
And we all could feel the loss.
He was always our Saint Peter
On the Day of Pentecost.

The last time that I saw him;
he was ridin' 'round the bend;
but the man was preaching
"Jesus saves" until the bitter end.


Ride, ride, circuit rider.
Let me ride (4x repeats)
I want to ride.
Everybody get on board now and take a ride.
I want to ride, let me ride.

Circuit Rider Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Circuit Rider, a powerful song by Russ Taff, captures the essence of a devoted preacher who went from town to town, spreading the message of Jesus Christ. With its compelling lyrics and soul-stirring melody, this song offers a unique perspective on the life and sacrifice of a circuit rider.

I. The Story Behind Circuit Rider:
Circuit Rider was written by David Meece, a renowned Christian singer-songwriter, and was recorded by Russ Taff, a Grammy Award-winning Christian artist. The song's inspiration is rooted in the history of circuit riders, who were preachers in early America tasked with traveling on horseback to remote areas, bringing the Gospel to settlers and communities without a resident pastor.

These circuit riders often faced immense challenges, enduring harsh weather conditions, dangerous journeys, and a lack of resources. However, their unwavering dedication and love for God compelled them to persevere, spreading the message of salvation and hope wherever they went.

II. The Meaning of Circuit Rider:
Circuit Rider beautifully captures the heart and soul of these brave men of faith. The lyrics tell the story of two men bidding farewell, with one expressing the possibility of never seeing the other again. The departing preacher instructs his friend to inform others of his relentless commitment to preaching the Gospel until his last breath.

The song emphasizes the passion and sacrifice of circuit riders, highlighting their tireless efforts to share the message of Jesus Christ. It acknowledges their hunger for righteousness, their unwavering faith, and their willingness to face adversity for the sake of the Gospel.

III. Biblical References in Circuit Rider:
1. Preaching the Gospel:
The song reflects the biblical mandate to preach the Good News and make disciples of all nations. Jesus commanded his disciples in Matthew 28:19-20 to go and make disciples, baptizing them and teaching them all that He had commanded. Circuit riders embodied this command, traveling far and wide to bring the message of salvation to those who had not yet heard it.

2. The Great Commission:
The Great Commission, found in Mark 16:15, calls believers to go into all the world and preach the Gospel. Circuit riders exemplified this commission, carrying the message of Jesus' death and resurrection to people in remote areas. Their dedication to sharing the hope of salvation echoes the mission given to all Christians.

3. Perseverance in the Face of Challenges:
Circuit riders faced numerous challenges in their mission, including adverse weather conditions, physical hardships, and even danger. However, they remained steadfast in their commitment to preach the Gospel. The song acknowledges their unwavering spirit and echoes the encouragement found in James 1:12, which states, "Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life."

4. Caring for the Needy:
Circuit riders were not only preachers but also caretakers of their communities. They provided support to the elderly, orphans, and anyone in need. This selfless act of service reflects the biblical call to care for the least among us, as stated in Matthew 25:40: "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."

IV. The Impact of Circuit Riders:
Circuit riders played a crucial role in shaping the spiritual landscape of early America. Their dedication to sharing the Gospel laid the foundation for countless churches and communities. They braved the frontier, bringing hope and salvation to those who were hungry for spiritual nourishment.

Their commitment to preaching, teaching, and caring for others left a lasting legacy. Circuit riders not only helped establish churches but also contributed to the education system, as they often taught in rural schools. Their impact can still be seen in the spiritual and cultural fabric of America today.

V. Conclusion:
Circuit Rider, a heartfelt song by Russ Taff, pays tribute to the courageous and devoted preachers who traversed the country, spreading the message of Jesus Christ. Inspired by the historical circuit riders, the lyrics capture their passion, sacrifice, and unwavering faith.

This song reminds us of the biblical calling to proclaim the Gospel, care for others, and persevere in the face of challenges. It serves as a reminder of the profound impact that individuals dedicated to serving God can have on their communities and the world.

As we listen to Circuit Rider, let us be inspired to live out our faith with the same dedication and fervor, spreading the message of God's love and salvation to all who will listen. May we follow in the footsteps of those who have gone before us, shining the light of Christ in the darkest corners of the world. Circuit Rider Lyrics -  Russ Taff

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