NewSong - The Reason Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: The Reason
  • Album: One True God
  • Artist: NewSong
  • Released On: 17 May 2011
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
NewSong The Reason

The Reason Lyrics

What a savior, what a love divine
How we need you with us all the time
How could we forget you; we will not forget

You are the reason the lost will be found again
You are the reason the last will be first and when
We see your glory, Jesus, we'll see the reason

Love is your voice, and you give us a song to sing
Love is the cross where you gave everything
If the world has a hope to believe in
You are the reason

Not in what we do, but in what you've done
Not in our strength but yours, you rescued us
We're your children, and you are the father who loves
How we need you and Lord, you are more than enough


We will bow down; we will look up
We will rejoice because of your goodness
We will sing loud, we will cry out
Let all the earth resound and tell of your glory


The Reason Video

The Reason Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

#### What is the meaning of the song "The Reason" by NewSong?

"The Reason" by NewSong is a contemporary Christian song that celebrates the transformative power of Jesus Christ in the lives of believers. It emphasizes the idea that Jesus is the foundational reason for hope, transformation, and the restoration of humanity. The lyrics convey a message of redemption and the unconditional love of God that is made manifest through Jesus.

#### Can you break down the analysis of the lyrics chronologically?

In the opening lines, the song expresses a deep yearning for Jesus, acknowledging His divine love and constant presence as essential for the believer. It sets a tone of gratitude and remembrance, promising not to forget His sacrifices.

The chorus highlights Jesus as the catalyst for change, bringing hope to the lost and reversing worldly paradigms ("the last will be first"). This part underscores the notion that witnessing Jesus' glory reveals the ultimate reason for belief and hope.

Following the chorus, the song reflects on the nature of God's love, symbolized through the sacrifice on the cross. This segment underscores the idea that Jesus' selfless act is the foundation of hope for humanity.

The lyrics then shift to a personal acknowledgment that salvation and strength come not from human efforts, but through the grace and power of Jesus. It reaffirms the relationship between God and believers, portraying God as a loving Father.

The bridge section of the song encourages worship and reflection on God’s goodness, urging believers to respond in joy and proclamation of His glory.

#### Are there any Bible verses that relate to the song "The Reason"?

Yes, several Bible verses resonate with the themes and messages conveyed in "The Reason."

- **John 3:16:** "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." This verse aligns with the song’s message about God’s love and the sacrifice of Jesus.

- **Luke 15:4-7:** The Parable of the Lost Sheep illustrates the joy in finding what was lost, reflecting the song's theme of Jesus being the reason the lost are found.

- **Matthew 20:16:** "So the last will be first, and the first will be last." This verse mirrors the lyric about the last becoming first, highlighting God's kingdom principles.

- **Ephesians 2:8-9:** "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast." This echoes the song’s acknowledgment that salvation comes not from our deeds but through faith in Jesus.

- **Psalms 107:1:** "Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever." This verse underpins the song's invitation to rejoice and celebrate God's enduring goodness and love. The Reason Lyrics -  NewSong

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