NewSong - Hope Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: Hope
  • Album: Give Yourself Away
  • Artist: NewSong
  • Released On: 24 Nov 2009
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
NewSong Hope

Hope Lyrics

Anything you can name, I tried it
Doing my best to fill this hole in my heart
Hope was always out on the horizon
But I could never ever seem to reach quite that far

And I had everything this world could offer
Everything but what I needed most
I called out to Jesus "Please come help me"
He heard my cry and He gave me hope

I can live for 40 days and nights without a single bite to eat
I can live for hours and hours without a drop to drink
And I can hold my breath for minutes at a time
But I can't live a second without hope in my life

Now everyday I wake up smiling
Knowing that He's got a perfect plan for my life
He's changing everything about me
He lets me see this great big world through His eyes

I can't believe the places that He takes me
I can't believe the joy that I feel
He fills my heart with so much hope for tomorrow
He took my life and made it oh so real

I can live for 40 days and nights without a single bite to eat
I can live for hours and hours without a drop to drink
And I can hold my breath for minutes at a time
But I can't live a second without hope in my life

Hope is my oxygen
The food that feeds my soul
Jesus quenched my deepest thirst
Oh, Jesus made me whole

I can live for 40 days and nights without a single bite to eat
I can live for hours and hours without a drop to drink
And I can hold my breath for minutes at a time
But I can't live a second without hope in my life

Hope Video

Hope Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

"Hope" by NewSong is a powerful anthem that delves into the transformative power of hope in Jesus Christ. The song narrates a journey of transformation, from despair to hope, emphasizing the essential nature of spiritual sustenance in one's life. Through its lyrics, "Hope" illustrates the profound impact of finding hope in Jesus, detailing both the struggles of life without it and the joy that comes with it. Let's break down the song's message and explore the biblical references that underscore its theme.

The song begins by portraying the narrator's attempts to fill a void in their heart through various means, yet finding everything lacking. This opening sets the stage for the theme of the song: the quest for something more fulfilling than what the world offers. This echoes the message found in Ecclesiastes 3:11, "He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man's heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end." The verse speaks to the inherent longing in every human heart for something eternal and fulfilling—something only found in God.

As the song progresses, the narrator recounts calling out to Jesus in desperation and receiving hope in return. This moment of surrender and the subsequent experience of hope resonate with Psalm 34:17-18, "The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." The song beautifully captures the idea that when one turns to Jesus, they find not just a temporary fix but a deep, enduring hope.

The chorus emphasizes the idea that while one can physically survive without food, water, or air for a period, a life without hope is unbearable. This reflects the biblical truth found in Matthew 4:4, where Jesus says, "Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God." The song aligns with this scripture, suggesting that true life—life filled with joy, purpose, and fulfillment—comes from a spiritual hope rooted in Jesus.

In the latter part of the song, the transformation brought about by hope is described in vibrant terms. The narrator speaks of waking up smiling, seeing the world through new eyes, and experiencing joy and purpose. This transformation echoes 2 Corinthians 5:17, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!" The song captures the essence of being made new through hope in Christ.

Finally, the song concludes by reiterating the indispensability of hope, likening it to oxygen and the food that feeds one's soul. This brings to mind Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." The song, through its journey from despair to hope, encapsulates the promise of a fulfilled life under God's love and guidance.

In summary, "Hope" by NewSong is not just a song about the struggle of finding meaning in life; it is an anthem that celebrates the discovery of true hope in Jesus. Through its poignant lyrics and the biblical truths they reflect, the song invites listeners to experience the transformative power of hope and the new life it brings. Hope Lyrics -  NewSong

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