I’m looking at a masterpiece
I’m staring at a work of art
I’m listening to a symphony, in every beat of your tiny heart
You used to be a choice to make
But now I think you’ve chosen me
‘Cause I see ten fingers, ten toes, two eyes and I know this is meant to be
Oh, I don’t believe in accidents
Miracles they don’t just happen by chance
As long as my God holds the world in His hands
I know that there’s no such thing as unplanned
Broken turns to beautiful
I see you right before my eyes
And every single breath you breathe is destiny love has brought to life
I thought it was my story’s end
But now the future’s all I see
Instead of asking who you might have been
I’m wondering who you’re gonna be
‘Cause I don’t believe in accidents
Miracles they don’t just happen by chance
As long as my God holds the world in his hands
I know that there’s no such thing as unplanned
Every life deserves a voice
Every child deserves a chance
You are more than just a choice
There’s no such thing as unplanned
Every life deserves a voice
Every child deserves a chance
You are more than just a choice
‘Cause there’s no such thing as unplanned
Unplanned Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration
Unplanned: A Masterpiece of Life and Redemption
Matthew West's song, "Unplanned," is a powerful anthem that captures the essence of life, redemption, and the miracle of every human being.
I. A Masterpiece in the Making
The song begins with the lines, "I’m looking at a masterpiece, I’m staring at a work of art." These words convey the idea that every human life is a masterpiece created by God. The lyrics emphasize the beauty and uniqueness of each individual, highlighting the intricate details that make them a work of art. This message challenges the prevailing notion that some lives are more valuable than others and affirms the inherent worth and dignity of every person.
II. Chosen for a Purpose
Continuing with the theme of the sanctity of life, the song states, "You used to be a choice to make, but now I think you’ve chosen me." These lines highlight the belief that every life has a purpose and is not simply a result of chance or circumstance. It suggests that the birth of a child is not an accident, but a deliberate choice made by both the parents and ultimately by God. This message encourages individuals to embrace their role in nurturing and guiding the lives entrusted to them.
III. No Such Thing as Accidents
The chorus of the song proclaims, "Oh, I don’t believe in accidents, miracles they don’t just happen by chance." These words affirm the belief that there is a divine plan and purpose behind every life. It challenges the prevailing cultural narrative that life is a random occurrence without any inherent meaning. The lyrics suggest that even in the midst of difficult circumstances or unexpected situations, there is a greater purpose at work.
IV. Broken Turns to Beautiful
The song continues with the lines, "Broken turns to beautiful, I see you right before my eyes." This message speaks of the transformative power of love and redemption. It acknowledges that life is not always easy or perfect, but even in the midst of brokenness, there is the potential for beauty to emerge. This theme resonates with the biblical concept of God's ability to bring beauty out of ashes (Isaiah 61:3) and to work all things together for good (Romans 8:28).
V. From End to Beginning
The lyrics further express this idea by stating, "I thought it was my story’s end, but now the future’s all I see." These words reflect the profound impact that the birth of a child can have on a person's perspective and priorities. It highlights the transformative nature of parenthood and the realization that life is not just about one's own desires and ambitions, but also about the legacy and future that is being shaped through the lives of their children.
VI. Every Life Deserves a Voice
The song concludes with the powerful message, "Every life deserves a voice, every child deserves a chance." These words affirm the belief that every person, regardless of their circumstances or abilities, has a unique voice and contribution to make in the world. It challenges the prevailing culture of silence and indifference towards the most vulnerable members of society, reminding us of the responsibility we have to protect and advocate for the rights and dignity of all human beings.
Meaning and Inspiration:
The meaning of the song "Unplanned" is rooted in the belief that every life is a precious gift from God, with inherent worth and value. It challenges the prevailing cultural narrative that devalues certain lives based on factors such as age, ability, or circumstances of conception. The inspiration behind the song can be found in the personal experiences and reflections of Matthew West, as well as in the powerful story of Abby Johnson, the subject of the film "Unplanned."
Abby Johnson's journey from working at Planned Parenthood to becoming a prominent pro-life advocate serves as a powerful backdrop for the song. Her story highlights the transformative power of redemption and the ability of individuals to change their perspective and actions. This theme is woven throughout the song, as it encourages listeners to recognize the beauty and potential in every human life, regardless of its origins or circumstances.
Biblical Analysis:
The song "Unplanned" aligns with several biblical principles and teachings. It affirms the belief in the sanctity of life, reflecting the biblical understanding that every human being is created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27) and has inherent worth and dignity. The lyrics also emphasize the belief in God's sovereignty and divine plan, echoing the biblical truth that God has a purpose for each person's life (Jeremiah 29:11).
Furthermore, the song challenges the prevailing cultural narrative of choice and autonomy by emphasizing the responsibility and privilege of nurturing and protecting the lives entrusted to us. This aligns with the biblical call to love and care for the vulnerable, including children (Matthew 18:5) and the unborn (Psalm 139:13-16).
"Unplanned" by Matthew West is a powerful song that celebrates the beauty and value of every human life. Its messages of redemption, purpose, and the sanctity of life align with biblical teachings and challenge the prevailing cultural narratives. The song reminds listeners of the transformative power of love and the responsibility we have to protect and advocate for the rights and dignity of all human beings. Through its heartfelt lyrics and powerful melody, "Unplanned" encourages listeners to embrace the miracle of life and to recognize the unique contributions that each person brings to the world.