Joe Mettle - Akokyem Nyame Lyrics
- Song Title: Akokyem Nyame
- Album: The Encounter
- Artist: Joe Mettle
- Released On: 23 Oct 2015
- Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music

ɔwo nye makokyɛm Nyame
you are the God of my refuge
me nye wo nam a monnsuro
i will never be afraid when i walk with you
osiandɛ iyɛ mekogyefo
because you are my saviour
sɛ matsanfo dɔɔso dɛn ara
though my enemies be many
ɔwo Awuradze ibɛgye me
you Lord will save me
na edze me asie watsaban kɛse nase
you will hide me under you big wings
iyɛmegyefo, makwan nyina ara mu
you are my saviour in all my ways
ihwɛ madzifir nye membae nyina
you watch my going out and coming in
Agya, iwɔ mafa, na ekogye me aber nyina ara mu
Father you are by my side and you save me always
onam dɛm ntsi, dɛm ntsi medze monnsuro
thats the reason i will not be afraid/fear
Iwɔ mafa, na ekogyeme aber nyina ara
you are by my side and you save me always
onam dɛm ntsi, dɛm ntsi medze monnsuro
thats the reason i will not be afraid/fear
monnsuro bone biara
i will fear no evil
iwɔ mafa, na ekogyeme aber nyina ara
you are by my side and you save me always
onam dem ntsi, dem ntsi medze medze monnsuro
thats the reason i will not be afraid/fear
sɛ ɔbra no yedzen dɛn ara
when life is tough
na anyidado nyinaa asa
and all hope is lost
wasɛm tum hyɛ medzen
your word strenghtens me
ma muhudɛ etse ase oo
make me believe you are alive/still reigns
iwɔ mafa, na ekogyeme aber nyinaa
you are by my side and you save me always
aber nyinaa, aber nyinaa, woka meho
you are with me always
wodzi manim, wodzi makyir
you infront and behind me / you lead me and direct me
i will not be afraid /fear
i will not be afraid /fear
i will not be afraid /fear
i will not be afraid /fear
i will not be afraid /fear
onam dɛm ntsi, dɛm ntsi medze monnsuro
thats the reason i will not be afraid/fear
onam dɛm ntsi monnsuro biribiara
thats the reason i will not be afraid/fear
you are with me
wodzi manim, wodzi makyir
you infront and behind me / you lead me and direct me
dɛm ntsi medze monnsuro
thats the reason i will not be afraid/fear
onam dɛm ntsi, dɛm ntsi medze monnsuro
thats the reason i will not be afraid/fear