Free Worship - Already Done Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: Already Done
  • Album: Already Done
  • Artist: Free Worship
  • Released On: 19 Apr 2019
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
Free Worship Already Done

Already Done Lyrics

Already Done
We pray for the mountains to move
We pray for the oceans to part
We pray for a miracle In our hearts, In our hearts

No need to hide back in the grave
No need to hold back any song
You said we can come now full of faith
It's what You promised What You promised

We believe it’s already done
Every battle’s already won
It is finished, it is perfect
We believe You’ve overcome
And it’s already, already done

We will sing like heaven is here
We will run like freedom is ours
We will dance cause You brought us this far
Take us further, take us further

We believe it’s already done
Every battle’s already won
It is finished, it is perfect
We believe You’ve overcome
And it’s already, already done

You said it we believe it
You spoke it we receive it
Your kingdom come right here in us

We believe it’s already done
Every battle’s already won
It is finished, it is perfect
We believe You’ve overcome
And it’s already, already done

Already Done Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Title: Already Done by Free Worship: A Powerful Declaration of Faith


Already Done, a powerful worship song by Free Worship, is a heartfelt declaration of faith and a reminder of the victory we have in Jesus Christ. This soul-stirring song encourages believers to trust in the finished work of Christ and to embrace the promises and blessings He has already secured for us.

Meaning of Already Done

Already Done encapsulates the essence of the Christian faith, proclaiming the triumph of Christ's finished work on the cross. It reminds us that through His death and resurrection, Jesus has overcome sin, death, and every obstacle that stands in our way. The song emphasizes the importance of living in the reality of what Christ has already accomplished for us, rather than striving in our own strength.

Inspiration and Story Behind Already Done

The lyrics reflect a deep understanding of the redemptive work of Christ and the power of faith. It is likely that the songwriter was moved by the desire to encourage believers to fully embrace the victory and freedom found in Jesus Christ.

Biblical References

Already Done is firmly rooted in biblical truth, drawing inspiration from various verses that affirm the finished work of Christ and the assurance of victory for believers. Let's explore some of these relevant Bible references:

1. John 19:30 (ESV)
"When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, 'It is finished,' and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit."

This verse captures the moment of Jesus' triumph on the cross. His declaration, "It is finished," signifies the completion of His redemptive work, securing salvation and victory for all who believe in Him.

2. Colossians 2:13-15 (NIV)
"When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross."

These verses highlight the victory of Christ over sin and the spiritual forces of darkness. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus has disarmed the enemy and triumphed over all powers and authorities.

3. Romans 8:37 (NIV)
"No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us."

This verse reminds us that as believers, we are not just conquerors, but more than conquerors through Christ. The victory He won on our behalf enables us to overcome every challenge and obstacle we face.

4. 1 John 4:4 (NIV)
"You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world."

This verse assures us that as children of God, we have overcome the world through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. The power of God within us is greater than any opposition we may encounter.

The Power of Declaration

Already Done by Free Worship serves as a powerful declaration of faith and a reminder of the authority and victory we have in Christ. By declaring the truth of what Christ has already accomplished, we align our hearts and minds with God's promises and invite His power and presence into our lives.

The song encourages believers to:

1. Believe in the Finished Work: Already Done reminds us to trust in the finished work of Christ on the cross. We are called to live in the reality of His victory and to confidently receive the blessings and promises He has secured for us.

2. Embrace God's Promises: The song invites us to embrace the promises of God and to walk in the freedom and abundance that comes from a life surrendered to Him. It encourages us to let go of fear, doubt, and self-reliance, and to trust in God's faithfulness.

3. Live in Faith: Already Done inspires believers to live in faith, knowing that the battles we face have already been won by Christ. It calls us to sing, run, and dance with joyful confidence, knowing that God is with us and for us.


Already Done by Free Worship is a powerful anthem of faith that reminds us of the victory we have in Jesus Christ. The song's lyrics reflect the biblical truth of Christ's finished work on the cross and the assurance of victory for all who believe. By declaring and embracing the truth of what Christ has already done, we can live in the fullness of God's promises and experience His transformative power in our lives. May this song serve as a reminder of our identity in Christ and ignite a deep sense of gratitude and worship in our hearts. Already Done Lyrics -  Free Worship

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