Citizens - You Have Searched Me Lyrics
- Song Title: The Love Of God
- Album: Favorite Hymns From The Homecoming Friends (Live)
- Artist: Citizens
- Released On: 01 Jan 1998
- Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music

You have searched me, and known my heart
Before I spoke, you know my every thought
The wonder of your knowledge is
Far too high for me to understand
You knew I'd leave your side
And cower in the cover of the night
But there's no place I could hide from the mercy of your light
Your kindness leads me to repentance
Your grace assures me to trust in you
I could climb up into the sky
Or dive down deep where darkest evil lies
I'll never find a place to flee
Your presence is always where I am
You never leave my side
Even when I fight to get my way
You patiently disarm my defenses with your grace
Your kindness leads me to repentance
Your grace assures me to trust in you
Faithful savior you restore me
My life is yours I belong to you
Search my heart and examine my thoughts
Shine your light I can't hide in the darkness
Give me faith to respond when you call
Search my heart
Your kindness leads me to repentance
Your grace assures me to trust in you
Faithful savior you restore me
My life is yours I belong to you