Vengeance Rising - Can't Get Out Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: Can't Get Out
  • Album: Once Dead (Remastered)
  • Artist: Vengeance Rising
  • Released On: 09 Jul 2010
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
Vengeance Rising Can't Get Out

Can't Get Out Lyrics

I'm not addicted I'm over my head in freebase affection
I load a bowl, light the pipe suck it as it sucks my life
This is a war of attrition taking my life as I seek a decision
I smoked my check, smoked my car, when I smoked my house have I gone too far

I've got a friend you see, he's my dealer
I smoked his coke, smoked his crack, he said it's time that I paid him back
I've got a problem I've got no dinero
If I sold some coke would he let me go, if I paid him back would he front me
some more

Can't get out

I smoked away my frustrations
Can't Get out
I took them out on my wife
Can't Get out
I even tried to smoke her too
Can't Get out
But she wouldn't fit in the pipe
Can't Get out
I really can't get out
Can't Get out
So I went to a Doctor
Can't Get out
He said he'd help me for sure
Can't Get out
Give me $200 bucks a night
Can't Get out
In 8 weeks you'll be cured
Can't Get out
I've really got to get out
Can't Get out
Then I opened my Bible
Let me out
And it opened my mind
Let me out
2 Timothy 4:18
Let me out
I'm gonna give it to Christ
Let me out
Jesus Let me out
Let me out
He Let me out

Can't Get Out Video

Can't Get Out Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Can't Get Out by Vengeance Rising: A Deep Dive into the Lyrics

This song is a powerful and intense depiction of addiction and the struggle to escape its grip. We will analyze the main key messages of the song, discuss its meaning, and critically analyze its biblical perspective.

I. Addiction and Desperation:
The opening lines of the song immediately set the tone for its subject matter: addiction. The lyrics describe the protagonist's addiction to drugs, specifically referencing freebase affection and the destructive cycle it creates. The lines, "I load a bowl, light the pipe, suck it as it sucks my life," vividly depict the narrator's desperation and the destructive power of addiction. It portrays addiction as a war of attrition, slowly taking away the individual's life.

II. The Consequences of Addiction:
The next set of lyrics delves into the consequences of addiction. The protagonist has smoked away their check, car, and house, indicating the devastating impact addiction has had on their life. The line, "I've got a friend you see, he's my dealer," suggests the reliance on the drug dealer to sustain the addiction. The lyrics further explore the protagonist's desperate attempt to find a way to pay back their dealer and continue their addiction, highlighting the depths to which addiction can drive a person.

III. Seeking Help and the Cycles of Addiction:
In the subsequent verses, the protagonist considers various ways to escape the clutches of addiction. They contemplate selling drugs to pay off their debt and potentially receive more drugs in return, indicating the destructive cycle of addiction. The lyrics convey the desperation and hopelessness that often accompany addiction, as the protagonist feels trapped and unable to break free from their destructive habits.

IV. The Role of Faith and Redemption:
Towards the end of the song, the protagonist turns to a doctor for help. The doctor offers a solution but requires a significant amount of money in return, emphasizing the financial burden addiction places on individuals seeking recovery. However, in a surprising turn, the protagonist opens their Bible and finds solace in 2 Timothy 4:18, expressing a desire to give their addiction to Christ and seek redemption. This shift suggests a glimmer of hope, indicating that faith and spirituality can play a role in overcoming addiction.

Meaning and Inspiration:
The song "Can't Get Out" by Vengeance Rising portrays the destructive power of addiction and the desperation that accompanies it. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of a person caught in the grips of drug addiction, highlighting the consequences and the cyclical nature of the struggle.

While the specific inspiration or story behind the song is not provided, it is clear that the band wanted to address the harsh reality of addiction and the potential for redemption through faith. The song serves as a cautionary tale, urging listeners to confront the devastating impact of addiction and seek help before it becomes too late.

Critical Analysis and Biblical Perspective:
From a biblical perspective, the song "Can't Get Out" raises some interesting questions. While it acknowledges the destructive nature of addiction and the desire for redemption, it does not explicitly address the underlying issues of sin and the need for repentance.

Addiction, at its core, is a manifestation of the brokenness and sinfulness of humanity. It is a form of idolatry, where individuals turn to substances or behaviors to find solace and escape from the pain of life. The Bible warns against the dangers of idolatry and urges believers to seek God's help in overcoming their struggles.

In 1 Corinthians 10:13, the apostle Paul writes, "No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it." This verse offers hope and assurance that God provides a way out of temptation and addiction. It encourages believers to rely on God's strength and seek His guidance in overcoming their struggles.

Additionally, the song could benefit from addressing the importance of seeking professional help and support. While faith and spirituality are essential in the journey towards recovery, addiction often requires a multifaceted approach, including medical intervention, therapy, and support from loved ones. It is crucial to recognize that seeking help from professionals is not a sign of weakness but a courageous step towards healing.

"Can't Get Out" by Vengeance Rising is a powerful and raw depiction of addiction and the desperate struggle to break free. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of the destructive nature of addiction and the cyclical patterns it creates. While the song acknowledges the potential for redemption through faith, it could benefit from addressing the underlying issues of sin and the need for repentance. Ultimately, it serves as a reminder of the importance of seeking help, both from a spiritual and professional perspective, in overcoming addiction.

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