Todd Galberth - You Won't Let Go Lyrics
- Song Title: You Won't Let Go (feat. Chandler Moore)
- Album: Encounter
- Artist: Todd Galberth
- Released On: 14 Oct 2022
- Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music

But You won't let go of me
Never let go of me
You won't let go of me
You won't let go, never let go
You won't let go of me
You won't let go of me
You won't let go of me
You won't let go, never let go
You will take care of me
You will take care of me
You will take care of me
You will take care, always take care
You won't let go of me
You won't let go of me
You won't let go of me
You won't let go, never let go
You will take care of me
You will take care of me
You will take care of me
You will take care, always take care
You will take care of me
You will take care of me
You will take care of me
You will take care, always take care
You will take care of me
You will take care of me
You will take care of me
You will take care, always take care
You keep Your hands on me
You keep Your hands on me
You keep Your hands on me
You keep Your hands on me
I'll remind my soul, You don't let go
You remain