The Crabb Family - Outspoken Lyrics
- Song Title: Outspoken
- Album: Letting Go
- Artist: The Crabb Family
- Released On: 11 Sep 2007
- Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music

Verse 1:
For too long I've letthis torment fill my mind
Tried to hide it and leave it all behind
I'll give it to you and be set free
Falling down on a bended knee
I'm gonna be outspoken, gonna tell you how I feel
I've tried standing in the corner, pretending my pain wasn't real
But Lord I know I need You and by faith You'll pull me through
Here I am so broken, it's time for me to be outspoken
Verse 2:
Been down and out for way too long
I'm taking back my joyful songs
I'm here before You, King of Kings
My burdens Lord to You I bring
I'm gonna be outspoken, gonna tell you how I feel
I've tried standing in the corner, pretending my pain wasn't real
But Lord I know I need You and by faith You'll pull me through
Here I am so broken, it's time for me to be outspoken
I cried out to others Lord, for peace down in my soul
But I relaize that You're the One that needs to know