Sarah Kroger - Monument Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: Monument
  • Album: Light
  • Artist: Sarah Kroger
  • Released On: 23 Oct 2020
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
Sarah Kroger Monument

Monument Lyrics

God, Your mercy reaches inside
Past the shadows, let there be light
So what was blind can see again
Open my eyes to what is hidden

For by the cross I stand as a testament 
You made a better life than the one I left
And If I lose my way or if I forget
You left the empty grave as a monument

Well of God that never runs dry
Living water healing my life
Let idols fall from lifted hands 
Let justice roll the songs of Heaven 

Your love is a monument

Every blessing, every promise
A never-ending fountain for my soul
Where I come from, where I’m going
Oh Monument of Heaven, lead the way back home

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