Sarah Kroger - Highest Lyrics
- Song Title: Highest
- Album: Bloom
- Artist: Sarah Kroger
- Released On: 26 Apr 2019
- Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music

Want to sing a new song, let it rise in me
Come awake my bones with the melody
When I cannot walk, may it carry me
Oh and may it lead me home in my wandering
I want to sing a new song, let it rise to You
May the notes ring out in all I do
May it go on and on like the angels do
Oh and when I'm breaking down may it break me through
Highest of all of our praises be given
Hosanna in the highest
I am alive, because Jesus is risen
Hosanna in the highest
Hosanna in the highest
It’s a song for every tongue and tribe
For Your music knows no borderlines
And no one is disqualified
From lifting up this anthem cry
We’ll sing and we’ll shout with the armies of heaven
Oh Hosanna
All glory and power both now and forever
Oh Hosanna