Relient K - Empty House Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: Empty House
  • Album: Air for Free
  • Artist: Relient K
  • Released On: 22 Jul 2016
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
Relient K Empty House

Empty House Lyrics

There was this time when I was thinkin' 'bout the modern science
And you could think they're singing that you want
And then we think about you, everything's and get the song by mind
I'm crazy now
You're gonna soon days ?
It's still get my heartache, yeah
That's ?

An empty house
Time to get myself back home
Nothing but an empty house
Living without you
An empty house
Time to get myself back home
Nothing but an empty house
Living without you

You got this thing about you
Everything I think about you
Is gonna go and make me something else
You've been a smile on my face
For about ? stay

You believe it's true
And I believe it too
And everything's gonna be alright
When you say I
I've got this thing about you

An empty house
Time to get myself back home
Nothing but an empty house
Living without you
An empty house
Time to get myself back home
Nothing but an empty house
Nothing but an empty house
Nothing but an empty house

There was this time in my life
You had this minute
But it had lasted oh for many days
(And I don't know what that is)
But everybody knows I'm about to mumble out some...

And that's the last time I could say it with a straight face
I don't know what I'm doing tomorrow
And baby, I don't wanna do it unless you're...

Empty House Video

Empty House Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Empty House by Relient K is a song that speaks to the depths of the human experience of loss and longing. It is a song that is both melancholic and hopeful, expressing the pain of separation while also holding on to the promise of reunion.

We will also draw on Biblical references to provide a spiritual context for the themes of the song. Finally, we will offer practical applications of the song to Christian living.

Meaning of the Song

The song Empty House is about the pain of separation and the longing for reunion. The lyrics express the feeling of being alone in an empty house after a loved one has left. The emptiness of the house is a metaphor for the emptiness of the heart that comes with the absence of someone we love.

The line "you've been a smile on my face for about a million days" represents the joy that the loved one brought to the singer's life. The line "living without you" expresses the pain of being separated from that joy.

The chorus of the song repeats the words "an empty house" and "time to get myself back home" several times. These lines convey the sense of loss and the desire to find a way to fill the emptiness that has been left behind.

The bridge of the song is particularly emotive, with the singer lamenting, "There was this time in my life, you had this minute, but it had lasted for many days." This line expresses the depth of the love that was shared between the singer and the loved one who has left.

Overall, the song Empty House is a poignant expression of the human experience of loss and longing. It speaks to the universal human need for love and connection and the pain that comes with separation.

Inspiration and Story behind the Song

While there is no definitive information about the inspiration and story behind the song, it is clear that the lyrics were written from a deeply personal place. The emotions conveyed in the song suggest that the writer may have experienced a painful separation or loss.

The band members of Relient K have spoken in interviews about their own experiences of loss and separation. Lead singer Matt Thiessen has said that he wrote the song "Deathbed" about his grandfather's passing. The band's drummer, Dave Douglas, has also spoken about the loss of his mother and how it has influenced his songwriting.

It is possible that the inspiration for Empty House came from a similar place of personal experience. The lyrics suggest that the writer has experienced the pain of separation and the longing for reunion. This is a universal human experience that many people can relate to.

Biblical References in the Song

The themes of loss and longing in the song Empty House are deeply rooted in the Biblical narrative. The Bible is full of stories of separation and reunion, from the story of the prodigal son to the parable of the lost sheep.

One of the most powerful Biblical references in the song is the story of the Prodigal Son. In this story, a young man asks his father for his share of the inheritance and leaves home to live a life of sin. He squanders all his money and ends up destitute, living in a pigsty. He eventually realizes the error of his ways and decides to return home, hoping to work as a servant in his father's household.

When the father sees his son coming from a distance, he runs to him and embraces him, welcoming him home with open arms. This story is a powerful reminder of the love and forgiveness that God extends to us, even when we have gone astray.

Another Biblical reference that comes to mind when listening to the song is the story of the Exodus. In this story, the Israelites are enslaved in Egypt and cry out to God for deliverance. God hears their cries and sends Moses to lead them out of slavery and into the promised land.

The journey to the promised land is long and difficult, and the Israelites face many challenges along the way. But through it all, God remains faithful to his promise to bring them to a land flowing with milk and honey. This story is a reminder that even in the midst of suffering and hardship, God is with us and will lead us to a place of rest and peace.

Practical Application of the Song to Christian Living

The song Empty House has a powerful message for Christians who are experiencing loss and separation. The lyrics remind us that even in the midst of pain and emptiness, there is hope for reunion and restoration.

As Christians, we believe that God is the source of all love and that he has a plan for our lives. When we experience loss and separation, it can be easy to lose sight of that plan and to feel like we are alone in an empty house.

But the song Empty House reminds us that God is with us even in the midst of our pain. He is the source of our hope and the promise of our reunion with those we love. It is through our faith in him that we can find comfort and strength in difficult times.

In conclusion, the song Empty House by Relient K is a powerful expression of the human experience of loss and longing. It speaks to the universal human need for love and connection and the pain that comes with separation. Through its emotive lyrics and powerful themes, the song offers a message of hope and restoration to Christians who are experiencing loss and separation.

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