Planetshakers - This is The Day Lyrics

This is The Day Lyrics

This is the day You made I'll rejoice and be glad with all that I am
This is the day You made I'll rejoice and be glad in you
This is the day You made and your mercy's are new your promise is true
This is the day You made I'll rejoice and be glad in you

There's a supernatural praise, rising up in my heart, up in my heart
The sound it has to be made oh Lord

So my heart will sing You are good, You are good
And with everything I will praise, I will praise

This is the day You made I'll rejoice and be glad with all that I am
This is the day You made I'll rejoice and be glad in you

There's a supernatural praise, rising up in my heart, up in my heart
The sound it has to be made oh Lord

So my heart will sing You are good, You are good
And with everything I will praise, I will praise
So my heart will sing You are good, You are good
And with everything I will praise, I will praise

This is the day You made
So I will give you praise
What ever comes my way
I rejoice in you

So my heart will sing You are good, you are good
And with everything I will praise, I will praise
So my heart will sing You are good, you are good
And with everything I will praise, I will praise

Planetshakers - This Is The Day [with Lyrics]

This is The Day Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

This is the Day by Planetshakers is a powerful and uplifting song that encourages believers to rejoice and be glad in the day that the Lord has made.

Key Messages of the Song

The song begins with the lyrics, "This is the day You made, I'll rejoice and be glad with all that I am." This line sets the tone for the entire song, emphasizing the importance of rejoicing and being glad in the day that the Lord has made. It encourages listeners to fully embrace and appreciate the day, regardless of the circumstances they may be facing.

The next set of lyrics states, "There's a supernatural praise, rising up in my heart, up in my heart. The sound it has to be made, oh Lord." This highlights the idea that praising God is not just a natural response, but a supernatural one. It is something that comes from deep within our hearts and should be expressed with great enthusiasm and joy.

Throughout the song, the phrase "So my heart will sing, You are good, You are good" is repeated multiple times. This serves as a declaration of faith and a reminder that God is good, no matter what we may be going through. It encourages believers to focus on God's goodness and to praise Him in all circumstances.

The Meaning of the Song

The main meaning of the song is to emphasize the importance of rejoicing and praising God in every situation. It reminds listeners that God is the creator of each day and that He deserves our worship and adoration. The song encourages believers to have a supernatural praise in their hearts, allowing it to rise up and be expressed through their words and actions.

The inspiration or story behind the song is not explicitly mentioned. However, it is clear that the lyrics are based on the biblical verse from Psalm 118:24, which says, "This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." This verse serves as the foundation for the song, and the lyrics expand on the concept of rejoicing and being glad in the day that the Lord has made.

Biblical Analysis of the Song

The song "This is the Day" is firmly rooted in biblical truth, drawing inspiration from Psalm 118:24. The psalmist declares the goodness of God and the need to rejoice and be glad in the day that He has made. This aligns with the central message of the song, which encourages believers to focus on God's goodness and to praise Him in every situation.

Additionally, the song emphasizes the supernatural aspect of praise. It acknowledges that true praise comes from the heart and is a response to the work of God in our lives. This aligns with biblical teachings on worship and praise. In Psalm 51:15, David says, "Open my lips, Lord, and my mouth will declare your praise." This verse acknowledges that it is God who enables us to praise Him and that our praise should be genuine and heartfelt.

Furthermore, the song repeatedly declares that God is good. This is a biblical truth that is echoed throughout the Bible. In Psalm 100:5, it says, "For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations." God's goodness is an essential aspect of His character, and acknowledging and declaring His goodness is an act of worship.


In conclusion, "This is the Day" by Planetshakers is a powerful song that encourages believers to rejoice and be glad in the day that the Lord has made. Its main messages revolve around the importance of praising God, acknowledging His goodness, and having a supernatural praise in our hearts. The song is firmly rooted in biblical truth, drawing inspiration from Psalm 118:24 and aligning with other biblical teachings on worship and praise. Overall, "This is the Day" serves as a reminder to focus on God's goodness and to express our gratitude and adoration through praise. This is The Day Lyrics -  Planetshakers

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