Matt Redman - Praise God Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: Praise God
  • Album: Lamb of God (Live)
  • Artist: Matt Redman
  • Released On: 17 Feb 2023
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
Matt Redman Praise God

Praise God Lyrics

There’s always something more to say 
There’s always something more to sing
If only for this beating heart
And every single breath You give
You’re never not worthy oh oh oh
You’re never not worthy

Praise God Praise God
O my soul
As the blessings flow, as the blessings flow
Praise God Praise God
O my soul
When it seems they don’t
Still we sing this song
Praise God

Even in the perfect storm
I’ll thank You for Your perfect love
And even in the worst of times
When worship is a sacrifice 
You’re never not worthy oh oh oh 
You’re never not worthy
Forever You’re worthy oh oh oh 
Forever You’re worthy

And when life doesn’t go my way
Doesn’t go my way
I’m still going Your way
When this life doesn’t go my way
Doesn’t go my way
I’m still going Your way

Praise God from whom all blessings flow 
Praise even when it seems they don’t 
Praise mountain high or valley low 
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost

Praise God Video

Praise God Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Praise God by Matt Redman: A Song of Worship and Adoration


Praise God, a song by Matt Redman, is a powerful expression of worship and adoration towards God. With its heartfelt lyrics and melodic composition, Praise God serves as a reminder of the unchanging worthiness of God and the call for believers to offer continuous praise and worship.

Verse 1: There’s always something more to say
Verse 2: Even in the perfect storm

The first two verses of the song highlight the enduring nature of praise and worship. It emphasizes that there is always something more to say and sing to God. The lyrics acknowledge that even in the midst of challenging circumstances, such as the perfect storm, God is still worthy of our praise.

Key Message: Regardless of our situation, God remains worthy of our praise and worship. We are called to offer our adoration to Him, not just in times of joy and abundance but also in times of hardship and suffering.

Biblical Foundation:
- 1 Thessalonians 5:18 reminds us to give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for us in Christ Jesus.
- Psalm 34:1 exclaims, "I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth."

Chorus: Praise God, praise God
Chorus: O my soul
Chorus: As the blessings flow, as the blessings flow
Chorus: Praise God, praise God
Chorus: O my soul
Chorus: When it seems they don’t
Chorus: Still, we sing this song
Chorus: Praise God

The chorus of the song serves as a call to worship, urging the soul to praise God. It acknowledges that blessings might not always be evident or abundant, yet believers are encouraged to continue singing this song of praise.

Key Message: The key message of the chorus is to praise God regardless of the circumstances. It reminds us that our worship is not dependent on the blessings we receive but rather on the unchanging nature of God.

Biblical Foundation:
- Psalm 103:1-2 urges the soul to bless the Lord and not forget His benefits, highlighting the importance of continuous praise.
- Hebrews 13:15 states, "Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name."

Bridge: And when life doesn’t go my way
Bridge: Doesn’t go my way
Bridge: I’m still going Your way
Bridge: When this life doesn’t go my way
Bridge: Doesn’t go my way
Bridge: I’m still going Your way

The bridge section of the song brings a reminder of surrender and trust in God's sovereignty. It acknowledges that even when life doesn't go according to our plans, we can still choose to go God's way.

Key Message: The bridge emphasizes the importance of surrendering our own desires and plans to follow God's path. It encourages believers to trust in His guidance, even when circumstances are challenging or do not align with our expectations.

Biblical Foundation:
- Proverbs 3:5-6 instructs us to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not on our understanding. It encourages us to acknowledge Him in all our ways so that He can direct our paths.
- Romans 8:28 assures us that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.


Praise God by Matt Redman is a song that beautifully captures the essence of continuous praise and worship. Its lyrics remind us that God is worthy of our adoration regardless of our circumstances. We are called to offer our worship in times of joy and abundance, as well as in times of hardship and suffering. The song's biblical foundation aligns with the Scriptures, emphasizing the importance of continuous praise, trust in God's sovereignty, and surrendering our own plans to follow His path.

As believers, Praise God serves as a timely reminder of the unchanging nature of God and the call to worship Him in all seasons of life. May this song inspire us to offer heartfelt praise and worship to our Creator, acknowledging His goodness, greatness, and faithfulness. Praise God Lyrics -  Matt Redman

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