Matt Gilman - New Jerusalem Lyrics

New Jerusalem Lyrics

Verse 1
I'm looking for a city not made by human hands
I'm longing for the garden where God once walked with man
For eternity is written on my heart
I'm longing for the day when we will never be apart

Verse 2
I looked and saw a city descending down from heaven
Prepared just like a bride for the Son of Man
There's a day of gladness written on His heart
He is longing for the day when we will never be apart

Every tear will be wiped away, there'll be no sorrow, hurt, or pain
There'll be no more night
All things will be made new, it will be a brand new day
And in righteousness He'll reign and the Lamb will be the light

Behold the tabernacle of God will be with men
And He will be our God, and we will be His people
And the bride she will marry the Lamb
But until that day I'm longing for the New Jerusalem

I love the day of Your appearing, I want to hasten Your return
The Spirit and the bride say, come for Your beloved ones

New Jerusalem Video

New Jerusalem Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

New Jerusalem: A Song of Hope and Longing


The song "New Jerusalem" by Matt Gilman is a powerful and moving anthem that speaks of the believer's longing for the heavenly city. With its beautiful melody and heartfelt lyrics, the song captures the essence of our hope in Christ and our desire to be united with Him in the timeless city of God.

Key Messages of the Song

The lyrics of "New Jerusalem" convey a sense of longing and anticipation for the city of God. Let's explore the key messages of the song chronologically:

1. "I'm looking for a city not made by human hands" - This line sets the tone for the entire song, expressing the believer's desire for a heavenly dwelling that surpasses anything humanly constructed. It echoes the words of Hebrews 11:16, which speaks of a heavenly homeland prepared by God for His people.

2. "I'm longing for the garden where God once walked with man" - This line refers to the Garden of Eden, where humanity once enjoyed perfect communion with God. It reflects the yearning to restore that intimate relationship with God, which was lost through sin.

3. "For eternity is written on my heart" - This line acknowledges the innate longing within every human heart for something beyond the temporal. It echoes Ecclesiastes 3:11, which says that God has set eternity in the human heart. It speaks to our deep-seated desire for eternal communion with God.

4. "I looked and saw a city descending down from heaven" - Here, the song draws inspiration from Revelation 21:2, which describes the New Jerusalem coming down from heaven. It symbolizes the ultimate fulfillment of God's promises and the culmination of His redemptive plan.

5. "Prepared just like a bride for the Son of Man" - This line echoes Revelation 21:2, where the New Jerusalem is described as a bride adorned for her husband. It speaks of the anticipation of the glorious union between Christ and His Church.

6. "There's a day of gladness written on His heart" - This line refers to the joyous day when Christ will return and establish His kingdom fully. It reflects the promise of Revelation 21:4, where it says that God will wipe away every tear from our eyes, and there will be no more death or mourning.

Meaning and Inspiration

The song "New Jerusalem" encapsulates the longing and hope of every believer who eagerly awaits the fulfillment of God's promises. It serves as a reminder that this world is not our final home and that our ultimate citizenship is in heaven (Philippians 3:20). The lyrics inspire us to fix our gaze on the eternal and to yearn for the day when we will be united with Christ in the New Jerusalem.

The inspiration behind the song may vary for each listener, but it is likely rooted in the biblical passages that speak of the New Jerusalem. The imagery of a glorious city, prepared by God for His people, resonates with the hope and longing that Christians have for their future home. Matt Gilman, the songwriter, may have been inspired by his own personal journey of faith and his desire to express this deep longing through music.

Biblical Analysis

When critically analyzing the biblical accuracy of a song, it is essential to compare its lyrics with the teachings of Scripture. Let's examine whether "New Jerusalem" aligns with biblical principles:

1. The concept of a heavenly city not made by human hands is in line with biblical teachings. Hebrews 11:10 speaks of Abraham looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God. Revelation 21:2 also describes the New Jerusalem coming down from heaven.

2. The longing for the Garden of Eden and the restoration of communion with God is a common theme in Scripture. The entire biblical narrative points to the redemption and restoration of humanity's relationship with God through Christ.

3. The idea that eternity is written on the human heart finds its basis in Ecclesiastes 3:11. It acknowledges the innate longing within every person for something beyond the temporal.

4. The description of the New Jerusalem descending from heaven is directly taken from Revelation 21:2. This biblical imagery is used to convey the future hope and fulfillment of God's promises.

5. The analogy of the New Jerusalem prepared like a bride for the Son of Man is consistent with the biblical theme of Christ's union with His Church. Ephesians 5:25-27 speaks of Christ's love for the Church, comparing it to the love of a husband for his bride.

6. The promise of a day of gladness and the wiping away of tears aligns with Revelation 21:4, which speaks of God's ultimate restoration and the eradication of sorrow and death.


"New Jerusalem" by Matt Gilman is a heartfelt song that captures the longing and hope of believers for the heavenly city. Its lyrics convey biblical truths and draw inspiration from passages in Scripture that speak of the New Jerusalem. The song encourages us to fix our gaze on eternity and to eagerly anticipate the fulfillment of God's promises. As with any song, it is essential to align its message with the teachings of Scripture and discern its biblical accuracy. In the case of "New Jerusalem," the lyrics harmonize with biblical principles, making it a meaningful and inspiring anthem for Christian worship.

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