Marty Nystrom - Remember Me Lyrics

Remember Me Lyrics

 On The Night You Were Betrayed
You Took The Bread
After Giving Thanks
You Broke It And Said,

“This Is My Body Broken For You”
And As You Eat It Remember Me
“This Is My Body Broken For You”
And As You Eat It Remember Me

On The Night You Were Betrayed
You Held The Cup
After Giving Thanks
You Lifted It Up

“This Is My Blood Poured Out For You”
And As You Drink It Remember Me
“This Is My Blood Poured Out For You”
And As You Drink It Remember Me

So We Thank You For The Wine
And For The Bread
For We See The Life You Gave
And The Blood You Shed
And We Remember Your Wondrous Love
You Gave Your Body You Shed Your Blood
And We Remember Your Wondrous Love
You Gave Your Body You Shed Your Blood

Yes We Remember Your Wondrous Love
You Gave Your Body You Shed Your Blood
Yes We Remember Your Wondrous Love
You Gave Your Body You Shed Your Blood

By Your Blood You Have Saved Us
By Your Blood You Have Freed Us
By Your Blood You Have We Can Enter Into Your Holy Place

By Your Love You Forgave Us
By Your Power You Have Raised Us
By Your Blood, Precious Blood Of The Lamb

Father God of Heaven, Precious Lamb Of God 
We Humbly Come Before You And Cry Holy, Holy
All Of Heaven Singing, The Song Of Our Redeemed
Giving Glory To The Lamb

Remember Me Video

Remember Me Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Title: Remember Me by Marty Nystrom: A Song of Remembrance and Redemption


Remember Me is a powerful and heartfelt worship song written by Marty Nystrom, a renowned Christian songwriter and worship leader. This timeless song resonates with believers around the world, inviting them to reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and to remember His wondrous love.

1. The Meaning of Remember Me

Remember Me is a worship song that focuses on the Last Supper, where Jesus shared the bread and wine with His disciples. The lyrics highlight the significance of these elements as symbols of Jesus' body and blood, which were broken and poured out for our redemption. The song encourages believers to partake in communion and remember the sacrifice of Jesus, His love, and the power of His blood.

2. Inspiration and Story Behind the Song

The Last Supper, as described in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, was a significant event in Jesus' ministry. It was during this Passover meal that Jesus instituted the sacrament of communion, instructing His disciples to remember Him whenever they partake in the bread and wine. This act of remembrance is the foundation of the song Remember Me.

Marty Nystrom, known for his ability to pen heartfelt and scripturally rich worship songs, likely drew inspiration from the profound meaning and spiritual significance of the Last Supper and communion.

3. Bible Verses Related to Remember Me

Remember Me by Marty Nystrom beautifully captures the essence of Jesus' words during the Last Supper. Here are some Bible verses that the song relates to:

a) Luke 22:19 (NIV): "And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, 'This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.'"

This verse directly quotes Jesus' words as He broke the bread and distributed it to His disciples, instructing them to remember Him through the act of communion. This verse serves as the foundation for the song's lyrics, "This is my body broken for you, and as you eat it, remember me."

b) Luke 22:20 (NIV): "In the same way, after the supper, he took the cup, saying, 'This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.'"

Here, Jesus refers to the cup of wine as a symbol of His blood that would be poured out for the forgiveness of sins. This verse is reflected in the song's lyrics, "This is my blood poured out for you, and as you drink it, remember me."

4. The Power of Remembering

Remember Me by Marty Nystrom reminds us of the power of remembering Jesus' sacrifice and the redemption it brings. When we partake in communion, we are called to remember the love, grace, and forgiveness that Jesus offers through His broken body and shed blood.

By remembering Jesus and His sacrifice, we acknowledge our need for Him, express gratitude for His salvation, and reaffirm our commitment to follow Him faithfully. Remembering Jesus also helps us to keep our focus on Him amidst the challenges and distractions of life.

5. "Tags" and Their Natural Integration

a) Marty Nystrom Remember Me
b) Marty Nystrom songs
c) Last Supper worship songs
d) Communion worship songs
e) Worship songs about Jesus' sacrifice
f) Marty Nystrom lyrics
g) Marty Nystrom worship leader


Remember Me by Marty Nystrom is a timeless worship song that invites believers to remember and reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. The song draws inspiration from the Last Supper, where Jesus instituted the sacrament of communion, inviting His disciples to remember Him through the bread and wine. Through its heartfelt lyrics and scriptural references, Remember Me encourages believers to partake in communion and embrace the power of Jesus' sacrificial love. As we remember Jesus and His wondrous love, we are reminded of our redemption and the eternal hope we have in Him.

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