LO Worship - One Lyrics


One Lyrics

One body, one Spirit
One anthem, I am not alone
One Father, one family
One anthem, I am not alone

United, united
United, in Christ alone
United, united
United, in Christ alone

One body, one Spirit
One anthem, I am not alone
One Father, one family
One anthem, I am not alone

United, united
United, in Christ alone
United, united
United, in Christ alone

In John 17 Jesus prayed
That we may be one has He and the Father are one
So that we may be in complete unity
Unity in the world seems impossible doesn't it
I mean how can 7 billion with so many differences be united
The crazy part is that we're using our differences as an excuse for the division
1 Corinthians 12 says that diversity is required so that there would be no division
What if God created the diversity in us so that we would not lack any good thing
We can not do it alone
Selfishness divides us, love unites us
The single most unifying act of all time
One Man dying of Himself because of love
And now families will be united because of Love
The Church will be united because of Love
The body will be united because this Love is over all

You are over all
You are over all
You are in everything
You are in everything

You are over all
You are over all
You are in everything
You are in in everything

United, united
United, in Christ alone
United, united
United, in Christ alone

For the Lord God is one and so are we
For we share in one faith, one baptism, and one Father
And He is the perfect Father who leads us all, works through us all, and lives in us all

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