Joshua Aaron - The Blessing in Hebrew Lyrics

The Blessing in Hebrew Lyrics

Yevarechecha Adonai, VeYishmerecha
The LORD bless you and keep you 
יְבָרֶכְךָ יהוה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ⁠

Ya'er Adonai Panav Eleycha ViChuneka
Make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you
יָאֵר יהוה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ⁠

Yisa Adonai Panav Eleycha, VeYasem Lecha Shalom
The LORD turn His face toward you and give you peace 
יִשָּׂא יהוה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם

Yehi chasdo aleicha le’alfei dorot 
May His favor be upon you to a thousand generations
יהי חסדו עליך לאלפי דורות

Mispachtecha viladecha
Your family and your children
משפחתך וילדיך

Dorotecha achareicha
Your generations after you
דורותיך אחריך

Rucho telech lefaneicha
May His presence go before you
רוחו תלך לפניך 

Letsidecha achareicha
Beside you and behind you
לצידך, אחריך 

Misvivecha belibecha
All around you and within you
מסביבך, בליבך

Hu itcha
He is with you
הוא איתך

Baboker uvaerev
In the morning in the evening
בבוקר ובערב

Betzetecha uvoecha
In your going and your coming
בצאתך ובואך 

B’sivlotecha beoshrecha
In your weeping and rejoicing 
בסבלותיך ואושרך 

Hu itcha
He is for you
הוא איתך

Hu itanu im kulanu
He is for us, He is with us
הוא איתנו עם כולנו 

Hu itcha 
He is for you
הוא איתך


The Blessing in Hebrew Video

The Blessing in Hebrew Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

"The Blessing" is a captivating and powerful worship song originally written in English by Kari Jobe, Cody Carnes, and Elevation Worship. The Hebrew version of this song, sung by Joshua Aaron, beautifully captures the essence of God's blessing and favor. This article will delve into the meaning, inspiration, and biblical references behind the Hebrew rendition of "The Blessing" by Joshua Aaron.

I. The Meaning and Significance of "The Blessing":

"The Blessing" is a song that carries a profound message of God's blessing, protection, and peace. It is a declaration of faith, rooted in the biblical concept of God's favor upon His people. In Hebrew, the word for blessing is "בְּרָכָה" (berakah), which signifies a gift or an outpouring of divine favor.

This song is a reminder that as believers, we are recipients of God's abundant blessings. It emphasizes the divine promise of God's presence, provision, and peace in our lives. By singing and declaring these words, we are aligning ourselves with God's truth and inviting His blessings into our daily lives.

II. The Inspirational Story Behind "The Blessing" in Hebrew:

"The Blessing" has become a global anthem, touching the hearts of millions worldwide. Joshua Aaron, an acclaimed Messianic Jewish artist, was inspired to create a Hebrew version of this song to further magnify the beauty of the original lyrics and honor the Jewish roots of the Christian faith.

Joshua Aaron's deep love for God and his desire to bridge the gap between Jewish and Christian communities led him to record this powerful rendition. His hope was to bring unity and healing through the power of worship and to share the timeless truth of God's blessings with a wider audience.

III. Biblical References in "The Blessing":

"The Blessing" draws heavily from the biblical blessing pronounced by God to Aaron and his descendants in Numbers 6:24-26. This passage serves as the foundation for the lyrics and captures the heart of the song:

"The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace."

This blessing reflects the heart of God, who desires to shower His people with favor, protection, and peace. By incorporating this biblical blessing into the song, Joshua Aaron highlights the timeless truth of God's loving-kindness and His desire to bless His children.

IV. The Power of Worship and The Blessing:

Worship is a powerful medium through which we connect with God and experience His presence. "The Blessing" serves as a vehicle for believers to express their faith, gratitude, and trust in God's unfailing promises. By singing these words, we declare our dependence on God and invite His blessings to flow into our lives.

The lyrical beauty and the soothing melody of "The Blessing" in Hebrew create an atmosphere of worship, inviting the Holy Spirit to move and work in our lives. It enables us to surrender our worries, fears, and burdens at the feet of Jesus, knowing that He is our source of hope, provision, and peace.

V. The Impact and Global Reach of "The Blessing":

"The Blessing" in Hebrew by Joshua Aaron has gained immense popularity and has resonated with people from various cultural and linguistic backgrounds. The song's message of God's blessing transcends boundaries, reminding us of the universal nature of God's love and grace.

The Hebrew rendition of "The Blessing" has touched the hearts of both Jewish and Gentile believers, fostering unity and deepening their understanding of God's faithfulness. It has become a source of encouragement, healing, and hope, particularly in times of uncertainty and distress.


"The Blessing" in Hebrew by Joshua Aaron is a compelling worship song that encapsulates the biblical truth of God's favor, protection, and peace. It serves as a powerful reminder of His unwavering love for His people and His desire to bless them abundantly.

By singing and declaring these words, we align ourselves with God's promises and invite His blessings to manifest in our lives. "The Blessing" has become a global anthem, bridging the gap between Jewish and Christian communities and fostering unity among believers worldwide.

May we continue to proclaim and receive the blessings of God, walking in His favor and experiencing the peace that surpasses all understanding. As we lift our voices in worship, may His presence go before us, beside us, and behind us, guiding and protecting us on our journey of faith.

Yevarechecha Adonai, VeYishmerecha. Ya'er Adonai Panav Eleycha ViChuneka. Yisa Adonai Panav Eleycha, VeYasem Lecha Shalom. Amen!

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