John Mark McMillan - Daylight Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: Daylight
  • Album: Economy
  • Artist: John Mark McMillan
  • Released On: 05 Apr 2012
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
John Mark McMillan Daylight

Daylight Lyrics

Daylight comes to meet you on the road
Like a prodigal son, a prodigal hope
That you gave up on when you were young
Yeah, but daylight is coming on

We live on the edge
On the edge of a darkness oh
We live on the edge
On the edge of a darkness oh
But daylight is coming on

Heaven bends low for the naked and the poor
To settle up a debt, to settle up the score
To set up a table on the edge of a war
Cause we've been bleeding on the edge of a sword

We live on the edge
On the edge of a darkness oh
We live on the edge
On the edge of a darkness oh
But daylight is coming on

The boardwalk is painted red with the blood
Of a thousand prospective heroes but one
Still cries out beyond all the grave and the flood
Where the blackest abysses cannot overcome

Cause we live on the edge
On the edge of a darkness oh
We live on the edge
On the edge of a darkness oh
But daylight is coming on

Daylight Video

Daylight Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Daylight - A Song of Hope and Redemption

"Daylight" is a powerful and inspiring song by Christian singer-songwriter John Mark McMillan. Released in 2018, it has resonated with many listeners, offering a message of hope and redemption.

Key Messages of the Song:
1. Daylight is Coming:
The central message of "Daylight" is the assurance that daylight is coming, even in the midst of darkness. It reminds us that no matter how deep our struggles or challenges may be, there is hope for a brighter future. The song encourages listeners to hold on and trust that a new day is dawning.

2. The Edge of Darkness:
The lyrics describe living on the edge of darkness, symbolizing the difficult and uncertain circumstances that we often find ourselves in. It acknowledges the reality of pain, suffering, and brokenness in our world. However, it also emphasizes that even in these dark moments, daylight will eventually break through.

3. God's Love and Redemption:
"Daylight" highlights the profound love of God and His redemptive power. It suggests that heaven bends low for the naked and the poor, emphasizing God's willingness to meet us in our vulnerability and restore us to wholeness. The song speaks of settling up a debt and setting up a table, symbolizing God's desire to reconcile and bring healing to our lives.

4. Overcoming the Darkness:
The song encourages listeners to persevere and not lose hope. It reminds us that despite the battles we face, we can overcome through God's strength. It speaks of bleeding on the edge of a sword, acknowledging the struggles and wounds we experience, but ultimately points to the victory that is found in Christ.

Meaning and Inspiration:
While it is always insightful to hear directly from an artist about the inspiration behind a song, John Mark McMillan has not provided specific details about the story behind "Daylight." However, the lyrics suggest a deep understanding of the human experience and the struggles we face. The song appears to draw from biblical themes and metaphors to convey its message of hope and redemption.

Biblical Analysis:
To evaluate the biblical foundation of the song, it is important to consider the themes and messages presented in relation to the teachings of the Bible. Let's analyze the key messages of "Daylight" and their alignment with Scripture.

1. Daylight is Coming:
The belief that daylight is coming aligns with the biblical promise of God's faithfulness and the hope of a future restoration. The Bible assures us that God is with us in our trials and that He will ultimately bring about a new heaven and a new earth (Revelation 21:1-5). The concept of light overcoming darkness is also prevalent throughout Scripture, reminding us that God's light will always prevail (John 1:5, Psalm 27:1).

2. The Edge of Darkness:
The acknowledgment of living on the edge of darkness reflects the reality of the fallen world we inhabit. The Bible teaches that we live in a world marred by sin and brokenness (Romans 3:23), where darkness exists. However, it also offers the hope that Christ has overcome the world (John 16:33) and that we can find refuge and strength in Him (Psalm 46:1).

3. God's Love and Redemption:
The idea that heaven bends low for the naked and the poor is a powerful image of God's compassion and His desire to restore the broken. It resonates with biblical teachings about God's love for the marginalized, the oppressed, and the downtrodden (Luke 4:18-19, James 2:5). The concept of settling up a debt and setting up a table aligns with the biblical understanding of redemption and reconciliation through Christ's sacrifice (Colossians 1:20, 2 Corinthians 5:18-19).

4. Overcoming the Darkness:
The song's emphasis on persevering and overcoming aligns with the biblical call to endure and trust in God's strength. The Bible assures us that we can find victory through Christ (1 Corinthians 15:57, Romans 8:37) and encourages us to stand firm in our faith (Ephesians 6:13). While we may face battles and trials, the ultimate victory is assured in Christ.

"Daylight" by John Mark McMillan is a deeply moving song that offers hope and encouragement to its listeners. Its main key messages of the assurance that daylight is coming, the acknowledgment of living on the edge of darkness, the portrayal of God's love and redemption, and the call to overcome align with biblical teachings. The song reminds us of the hope we have in Christ and encourages us to hold on, even in the darkest of times. Through its profound lyrics and powerful melody, "Daylight" serves as a reminder of God's faithfulness and His promise to bring light into our lives.

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