Jimmy Needham - Arrows Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: Arrows
  • Album: Clear the Stage
  • Artist: Jimmy Needham
  • Released On: 14 May 2013
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
Jimmy Needham Arrows

Arrows Lyrics

I see You hiddin' there
Behind the orphan's stare
Every time I breathe the air
There's no denyin'
From the oceans wide
To the star-filled sky
To my baby's cry
Oh, You're everywhere
There's nowhere I go Your glory isn't revealed
I just look up and see it

Everywhere I go I see arrows
Pointing the way back to You
Everything I see grabs ahold of me
Leading me straight back to You

Maybe Plato's right
There is more than meets the eye
What I witness with my eyes
Tells a bigger story
Like the serpent on the staff
Like the ark that Noah had
You're painting pictures that, oh
Echo Your glory
When Moses struck the rock the secret was spilled
'Cause the spring is Jesus

Everywhere I go I see arrows
Pointing the way back to You
Everything I see grabs ahold of me
Leading me straight back to You

Make me an arrow
Put me in Your bow
Pull back and let go
And send me wherever You want me to go
I'll be Your shadow
You lead I'll follow You

Everywhere I go I'm an arrow
Leading the way back to You
In pleasure or in pain
Just like sunshine and rain
I'll be an arrow for You


Arrows Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

"Arrows" by Jimmy Needham is a deeply reflective and spiritually rich song that explores the pervasive presence of God in the world and how all creation points back to Him. Through its lyrics, the song invites listeners to see the world and their experiences as arrows directing them towards a deeper understanding and relationship with God. The song's narrative is both a celebration of God's omnipresence and a call to become messengers or "arrows" that lead others to Him.

**First Verse:**
The opening lines of the song paint a vivid picture of seeing God in the vulnerable and the everyday, from the stare of an orphan to the breadth of creation. This idea echoes Psalm 19:1, "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands." Needham is pointing out that everything in creation, from the grandest to the seemingly insignificant, reveals God's glory and presence.

The chorus uses the metaphor of arrows to describe how everything in life, from nature to personal experiences, points back to God. This is an invitation to see life through a spiritual lens, recognizing that our surroundings and what we go through have the potential to lead us closer to God. This notion is reminiscent of Romans 1:20, which states, "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse."

**Second Verse:**
Needham references philosophical and biblical imagery to further explore the idea of seeing God in everything. Mentioning Plato suggests the concept of a deeper reality beyond what we can see, while biblical allusions (the serpent on the staff in Numbers 21:8-9 and Noah's ark in Genesis 6-9) serve as historical examples of God's messages and salvation. These stories are presented as "pictures" that echo God's glory, urging listeners to look beyond the surface.

The bridge shifts the perspective from observing to participating. Needham expresses a desire to be an arrow himself, used by God to point others towards Him. This is a call to action for believers to live intentionally as witnesses of God's love and truth, aligning with Jesus' command in Matthew 28:19-20 to "go and make disciples of all nations." This part of the song is a personal commitment to follow God's lead, wherever it may take him.

"Arrows" by Jimmy Needham is a beautifully crafted song that encourages listeners to see the divine in all aspects of life and to become instruments in God's hands, leading others to Him. It's a reminder that God's presence and purpose can be found everywhere if we only look, and that we have a role to play in sharing that revelation with the world. The song seamlessly blends biblical truths with everyday observations, making it a powerful meditation on faith, purpose, and God's omnipresence. Arrows Lyrics -  Jimmy Needham

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