Jaye Thomas - Shekinah Lyrics

Shekinah Lyrics

We wait for You
We wait for You
We wait for You
To walk in the room

Here we are standing in Your presence
Here we are standing in Your presence
Shekinah glory come down
Shekinah glory come down

Release the fullness of Your spirit
Shekinah glory come
Shekinah glory come

You move, and we want more
You speak, and we want more
You move, and we want more
We want the fullness

Release the fullness of Your spirit
Shekinah glory come
Shekinah glory come

I can't get enough of Your presence, presence
I can't get enough of Your presence, presence
I can't get enough of Your presence, presence
I can't get enough, can't get enough

You move, and we want more
You speak, and we want more
You move, and we want more
We want the fullness

Release the fullness of Your spirit
Shekinah glory come
Shekinah glory come

We want more
We want more
We want more
We want more
We want more
We want more
More of Your spirit

The Lord has given us freedom
Given us freedom
Given us joy

"We "Wait For YOU (Shekinah Glory)" Jaye Thomas featuring Cory Asbury lyrics

Shekinah Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Shekinah by Jaye Thomas is a powerful worship song that invokes a sense of longing for the presence of God. The song's main message is centered around the desire for the fullness of God's Spirit to manifest in our lives and in our worship.

Key Messages of the Song

The song begins with the repeated line, "We wait for You," emphasizing our longing and expectation for God's presence to come and fill the room. This line sets the tone for the rest of the song, expressing a deep desire for the Shekinah glory of God to manifest in a tangible way.

Throughout the song, the key message is the pursuit of experiencing the fullness of God's Spirit. The lyrics express a hunger for more of God's presence and a recognition that His Spirit can satisfy that hunger. Lines such as "You move, and we want more" and "You speak, and we want more" highlight the continuous pursuit of deeper intimacy and encounter with God.

The chorus of the song repeats the phrase "Shekinah glory come down," emphasizing the desire for God's glory to descend and fill the atmosphere. The word "Shekinah" refers to the divine presence of God, often associated with a visible manifestation of His glory. By invoking the Shekinah glory, the song expresses a longing for a tangible experience of God's presence.

Meaning and Inspiration

The inspiration behind the song "Shekinah" is rooted in the biblical concept of the manifest presence of God. The lyrics reflect a deep longing for intimacy with God and a recognition that His presence brings transformation and fulfillment. The song seeks to create an atmosphere of worship where individuals can encounter the fullness of God's Spirit and experience His glory.

The lyrics of "Shekinah" draw from biblical imagery and language to convey its meaning. The term "Shekinah" itself is derived from Hebrew and is used in Jewish theology to describe the dwelling or presence of God. The song's repetition of the phrase "Shekinah glory come down" echoes the cry of Moses in Exodus 33:18, who asked God to show him His glory.

Biblical Foundation and Analysis

In analyzing the biblical foundation of the song "Shekinah," we can find support for its key messages and themes. The longing for God's presence and the pursuit of His Spirit's fullness are biblical concepts that are evident throughout Scripture.

The psalmist David frequently expresses a similar desire for God's presence in his psalms. In Psalm 42:1-2, David writes, "As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?" This passage reflects the deep longing and thirst for God's presence that is echoed in the lyrics of "Shekinah."

Additionally, the pursuit of more of God's Spirit aligns with biblical teachings on the Holy Spirit. In Ephesians 5:18, the apostle Paul exhorts believers to be filled with the Spirit, indicating a continuous seeking and receiving of the Holy Spirit's presence and power. The desire for more of God's Spirit is also reflected in Jesus' words in Luke 11:13, where He encourages His disciples to ask for the Holy Spirit.

The concept of the Shekinah glory is rooted in the Old Testament, particularly in relation to the Tabernacle and the Temple. In Exodus 40:34-35, it is written, "Then the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle. Moses could not enter the tent of meeting because the cloud had settled on it, and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle." This visible manifestation of God's glory represents His presence among His people.

Critically analyzing the song, "Shekinah" aligns with biblical teachings on worship, intimacy with God, and the pursuit of His presence. Its lyrics express a genuine desire for more of God's Spirit and a longing for His glory to fill the atmosphere. The biblical references to the Shekinah glory and the themes of seeking and encountering God's presence further strengthen its biblical foundation.

In conclusion, "Shekinah" by Jaye Thomas is a powerful worship song that encapsulates the longing for God's presence and the pursuit of His Spirit's fullness. Its key messages of longing, pursuit, and encounter align with biblical teachings on worship and intimacy with God. By invoking the Shekinah glory, the song creates an atmosphere of expectation and desire for a tangible experience of God's presence. Shekinah Lyrics -  Jaye Thomas

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