Jason Crabb - When I Turn To You Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: When I Turn to You
  • Album: Unexpected (Deluxe Edition)
  • Artist: Jason Crabb
  • Released On: 04 Sep 2020
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
Jason Crabb When I Turn To You

When I Turn To You Lyrics

I turn to the news to catch up on the world's problems
I turn to the clock so I ain't late for that next dollar
I turn to people for what they think of me
To put a band-aid on my insecurities

When I turn to You
I don't have to know the answers
Or have it all together
I just bring my heart to You
And I find rest, I find strength and sweet forgiveness
And peace...just like I always do
When I turn to You

I've turned to the mirror to tell myself I'm good enough
I've turned my back...a couple times on Your love
Tryin' to do things on my own
That never lasts too long
I'm right back where I belong

When I turn to You
I don't have to know the answers
Or have it all together
I just bring my heart to You
And I find rest, I find strength and sweet forgiveness
And peace...just like I always do
When I turn to You

(break down)
When I turn to You
I find rest
And sweet forgiveness

When I turn to You
I don't have to know the answers
Or have it all together
I just bring my heart to You
And I find rest, I find strength and sweet forgiveness
And peace...just like I always do
When I turn to You

When I Turn To You Video

When I Turn To You Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

"When I Turn to You" by Jason Crabb is a song that brings to light the universal human experience of seeking direction and comfort in times of uncertainty and struggle. Through its lyrics, the song narrates a journey of turning to various sources for guidance, only to find true peace and understanding when turning to God. The song is a beautiful reminder of the refuge and strength that can be found in a relationship with God, echoing the sentiments of faith, surrender, and reliance on divine guidance.

### Breakdown and Analysis of the Lyrics:

**Verse 1** opens with the singer acknowledging the routine actions of turning to worldly concerns and validations, such as news, time, and people’s opinions. This verse captures the human tendency to seek worth and direction from external sources, often neglecting the peace that comes from God.

**Chorus** shifts the narrative to a moment of revelation. The singer realizes that in turning to God, there's no need for having all the answers or pretending to have it all together. This part of the song emphasizes the beauty of surrendering to God's will, bringing a sense of rest, strength, forgiveness, and peace that cannot be found elsewhere.

**Verse 2** reflects a moment of self-awareness and repentance, acknowledging past mistakes of relying on oneself or turning away from God's love. This verse portrays the cyclic nature of human frailty and the constant forgiveness and acceptance found in God.

The **breakdown** of the song serves as a bridge, reinforcing the themes of rest and forgiveness found in turning to God. It's a moment of intimate realization that despite the hardships, there is always a way back to peace and grace when we turn to Him.

### Biblical References:

The song "When I Turn to You" is deeply rooted in biblical themes and verses. A few references include:

- **Matthew 11:28 (NIV):** "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." This verse directly correlates with the song's chorus about finding rest and peace in turning to God amidst life's burdens.

- **Psalm 46:1 (NIV):** "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." The song echoes this sentiment in the chorus, highlighting God as a source of strength and sanctuary in times of need.

- **1 John 1:9 (NIV):** "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." The song's mention of finding "sweet forgiveness" is a reflection of this promise that in turning to God and confessing our wrongdoings, we are met with His forgiveness and cleansing.

- **Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV):** "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." This verse speaks to the theme of the second verse, where the folly of relying on one's own understanding is acknowledged, and the wisdom of turning to God for guidance is affirmed.

In conclusion, "When I Turn to You" by Jason Crabb is a powerful testament to the peace, strength, and forgiveness found in God. Through its heartfelt lyrics, the song captures the essence of biblical promises and encourages listeners to turn to God amidst life's trials and uncertainties. When I Turn To You Lyrics -  Jason Crabb

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