Jason Crabb - Friend in The Fire Lyrics
- Song Title: Friend in the Fire
- Album: Just as I Am - EP
- Artist: Jason Crabb
- Released On: 18 Jun 2021
- Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music

You can get bitter from the flames
You can get hurt
You can get worn out and lost
Cause you got burned
But when you the see the hand of God
Reaching through the fire
He can raise you from the ashes
And make you new again
Forge me in the flames bend my desires
I yield my will
Refine me in the fire
Whatever it takes
To take me higher
You’ve never forsaken me
You stayed through the heat
You’re a friend in the fire
I’ve lived and I’ve lost
The ones I’ve loved
I’ve looked to the sky and asked God why
Was my faith not enough?
But then I saw the hand of God
Reaching through the fire
He pulled me from the ashes
And made me new again
Forge me in the flames bend my desires
I yield my will
Refine me in the fire
Whatever it takes
To take me higher
You’ve never forsaken me
You stayed through the heat
You’re a friend in the fire
Everything I loved the thief tried to take away
But when I ran into the cross it changed everything
Now I know I serve the God
Who is for me
Forge me in the flames bend my desires
I yield my will
Refine me in the fire
Whatever it takes
To take me higher
Forge me in the flames bend my desires
I yield my will
Refine me in the fire
Whatever it takes
To take me higher
You’ve never forsaken me
You stayed through the heat
You’re a friend in the fire
Friend in the fire