Jason Crabb - Hold Me Up Lyrics

Hold Me Up Lyrics

Hold me up, my strength has failed me
And the way is dark and 'lone;
Of thyself, a sweet reflection
O Lord grant me from thy throne.

Hold me up for thou art mighty
Thou my spirit can renew
Every conflict, every trial
Hold me up and bring me through.

Hold me up, O loving Savior,
'Tis not rest for which I pray
But to feel thine arms around me
So I cannot lose my way.

Hold me up for thou art mighty
Thou my spirit can renew
Every conflict, every trial
Hold me up and bring me through.

Lo a table in the desert
By thine hand prepared I see
And my cup is running over
With the mercy given me.

Hold me up for thou art mighty
Thou my spirit can renew
Every conflict, every trial
Hold me up and bring me through.

Hold Me Up

Jason Crabb Songs

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