Hillsong Worship - One Hope One Voice One Light We See Lyrics


One Hope One Voice One Light We See Lyrics

One hope, one voice, one light we see.
One body, one heart, one destiny.
Joined in Your body,
Joined in Your blood,
Eternally, united by Your love.
We are joined in Your body,
Joined in Your blood,
Eternally united by Your love.

One purpose, one truth, one life to live.
One promise, one faith, one life to give.
Joined in Your body,
Joined in Your blood,
Eternally, united by Your love.

One Hope One Voice One Light We See Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

#### What is the meaning behind the song "One Hope One Voice One Light We See" by Hillsong Worship?

The song "One Hope One Voice One Light We See" by Hillsong Worship emphasizes the unity and collective identity found in Christ among believers. It speaks to the spiritual bond that Christians share, rooted in hope, faith, and the guiding light of Jesus Christ. The lyrics convey a message of unity, not just in worship but in purpose and existence, underlining the Christian belief in being one body in Christ.

#### Can you break down the lyrics chronologically and analyze their meaning?

In the opening lines, "One hope, one voice, one light we see," the song immediately establishes the theme of unity in faith, hope, and guidance through Jesus, the "light." As the song progresses with "One body, one heart, one destiny," it emphasizes the New Testament teaching that all believers are part of the body of Christ, sharing a common purpose and destiny.

The repeated lines, "Joined in Your body, Joined in Your blood," refer to the Christian sacrament of communion, symbolizing believers' unity with Christ and each other through His sacrifice. This part of the song reflects deep theological truths about communion, fellowship, and the sacrificial love of Jesus that binds believers together.

#### What Bible verses does the song relate to?

Several Bible verses resonate with the themes in "One Hope One Voice One Light We See." For instance, Ephesians 4:4-6 speaks to the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace, emphasizing "one body and one Spirit...one hope...one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all." This passage directly correlates with the song's theme of unity in faith and purpose among believers.

1 Corinthians 10:17 also connects with the song, stating, "Because there is one bread, we who are many are one body, for we all partake of the one bread." This verse underlines the significance of communion (the breaking of bread) as a symbol of unity in Christ, mirroring the song's reference to being "Joined in Your body, Joined in Your blood."

Lastly, John 8:12, where Jesus says, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life," supports the song's mention of following one light. It highlights the belief that Christ illuminates the path for believers, guiding them away from darkness and towards eternal life. One Hope One Voice One Light We See Lyrics -  Hillsong Worship

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