Greater Vision - Songs of Grace Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: Songs of Grace
  • Album: The Journey
  • Artist: Greater Vision
  • Released On: 01 Jan 2021
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
Greater Vision Songs of Grace

Songs of Grace Lyrics

I don't really need a deeper understanding
When I hear a song that talks about the Lord
Simple truths are what my heart and soul depend on
When I need to hear just who he is once more

It's so easy to forget and be misguided
Life can bring me down and sometimes steer me wrong
And when I'm to the place where I need to be reminded
So often I'm reminded by a song

I love the songs of grace Because I need it
Songs of mercy bless my soul
Because he showed it unto me
When I hear someone sing of how he died to pay sin's cost
I'm overwhelmed because he did that just for me

Don't misunderstand my words or what I'm saying
There's no way I could forget my dearest friend
But the way the world and all its trials keep raging
Sometimes I need to hear a song again

Oh, I love the songs of grace Because I need it
Songs of mercy bless my soul
Because he showed it unto me
When I hear someone sing of how he died to pay sin's cost
I'm overwhelmed because he did that just for me

When I hear someone sing of how he died to pay sin's cost
I'm overwhelmed because he did that just for me
I'm overwhelmed because he did that just for me

Songs of Grace Video

Songs of Grace Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

"Songs of Grace" by Greater Vision is a profound piece that reverberates with the themes of redemption, grace, and God's unwavering love for humanity. This song serves as a gentle reminder of the fundamental Christian beliefs and the power of music to communicate God's grace. Through a chronological breakdown of the song's lyrics, we can delve into its meaning, examining the biblical references and teachings that underscore its message.

The song begins with an acknowledgment of the simplicity yet profoundness of gospel music in communicating the essence of God's character and His acts of grace. This idea resonates with the biblical concept found in Psalm 100:2, "Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing." Music serves as a vehicle for expressing joy and gratitude towards God, reinforcing the believer's faith through melody and lyrics.

As the song progresses, it touches on the human condition of forgetfulness and the susceptibility to life's misguidances. This sentiment echoes the message in Hebrews 2:1, which warns, "Therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it." The song emphasizes the importance of being reminded of God's grace and mercy, especially when facing life's trials and tribulations.

The chorus of the song celebrates the themes of grace and mercy, essential tenets of Christian faith. It reflects on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, who died to atone for humanity's sins, a theme central to the gospel message and vividly portrayed in Ephesians 2:8-9, "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast." The chorus encapsulates the overwhelming sense of gratitude believers feel towards God's sacrificial love and unmerited favor.

In its concluding verses, "Songs of Grace" reiterates the need for these reminders of God's love and sacrifice, especially amid life's storms. This part of the song is a testament to the power of worship and music as tools for spiritual rejuvenation and strengthening of faith. It aligns with Colossians 3:16, which encourages believers to, "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God."

In summary, "Songs of Grace" by Greater Vision encapsulates the Christian journey of faith, marked by moments of forgetfulness and the constant need for divine reminders. Through its poignant lyrics, the song underscores the significance of grace, mercy, and the sacrificial love of Jesus Christ, inviting listeners to reflect on these truths through the lens of gospel music. The song serves as both a celebration of God's unfailing love and a call to remember and rejoice in the grace that defines the Christian faith. Songs of Grace Lyrics -  Greater Vision

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