Greater Vision - City That's Coming Down Lyrics
- Song Title: City That's Coming Down
- Album: Quartets
- Artist: Greater Vision
- Released On: 13 May 2003
- Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music

I'm not looking for a city going up (But the one that's coming down)
Verse 1
Well, man has made a lot of things. They look so fine
They're building so high up in the sky, they will almost baffle your mind
But, the time's going to turn, they're all going to burn. Nowhere will be found
I'm going to be in that city that John saw coming down
I'm not looking for a city that's going up, but the one that's coming down
I'm not putting my trust in the one that will crumble, and fall down to the ground
But, I'm heading for the one that the Lord has made, and is built eternally sound
I'm not looking for a city going up, but the one that's coming down
Verse 2
Well, get your things together and walk out through the land
You're going to go on the Rocky mountains, You're going to cross on the desert sand
Well, Lot went down to Sodom, but not old Abraham
He was looking for that city that John saw coming down
(Repeat Chorus)