Graham Kendrick - The Servant King Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: The Servant King (feat. Nicki Rogers)
  • Album: The Very Best of Graham Kendrick: Knowing You Jesus
  • Artist: Graham Kendrick
  • Released On: 16 May 2010
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
Graham Kendrick The Servant King

The Servant King Lyrics

Verse 1:
From heaven you came helpless babe
Entered our world, your glory veiled
Not to be served but to serve
And give Your life that we might live

This is our God, The Servant King
He calls us now to follow Him
To bring our lives as a daily offering
Of worship to The Servant King

Verse 2:
There in the garden of tears
My heavy load he chose to bear
His heart with sorrow was torn
'Yet not My will but Yours,' He said

Verse 3:
Come see His hands and His feet
The scars that speak of sacrifice
Hands that flung stars into space
To cruel nails surrendered

Verse 4:
So let us learn how to serve
And in our lives enthrone Him
Each other's needs to prefer
For it is Christ we're serving

The Servant King by UK worship leader Graham Kendrick. Easter worship song for the church to sing.

The Servant King Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

"The Servant King" by Graham Kendrick is a deeply moving Christian hymn that reflects on the humility and servitude of Jesus Christ, highlighting His mission on Earth as a servant to humanity and His ultimate sacrifice for our salvation. The song not only offers worship to Jesus but also calls believers to emulate His example of servitude.

### Verse 1 Analysis

The opening verse immediately sets the tone of humility and service, emphasizing the incarnation of Jesus Christ - God becoming man, not in grandeur but in vulnerability. The lyrics, "From heaven you came helpless babe / Entered our world, your glory veiled," reflect on the miracle of the incarnation, as described in John 1:14, "The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us." The verse continues to depict Jesus's purpose on Earth, not to be served but to serve others, encapsulated in Matthew 20:28, "just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."

### Chorus Analysis

The chorus proclaims Jesus as "The Servant King" and presents a call to action for believers, urging them to follow His example by offering their lives as a daily act of worship. This notion is rooted in Romans 12:1, where Paul urges believers to offer their bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God - this is true and proper worship. It emphasizes the transformative impact of Jesus's servitude on Christian life, urging a commitment to service and humility.

### Verse 2 Analysis

This verse delves into the emotional turmoil and physical suffering Jesus endured, particularly focusing on the Garden of Gethsemane (Luke 22:42-44) where Jesus, facing imminent death, submits to God's will. The heavy burden He bore and His sorrowful plea, "Yet not My will but Yours," highlights His obedience and submission, underscoring the depth of His sacrifice for humanity's redemption.

### Verse 3 Analysis

Here, the focus shifts to the crucifixion, inviting listeners to contemplate the scars of Jesus as symbols of His sacrifice. The contrast between the Creator of the universe, "Hands that flung stars into space," and His willingness to endure the agony of the cross for our sake is stark. This imagery is reminiscent of Isaiah 53:5, "But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed."

### Verse 4 Analysis

The final verse circles back to the song's core message - the call to emulate Christ's servitude. It encourages believers to prioritize serving others, thereby honoring Christ, who is the epitome of service. This teaching is aligned with Philippians 2:3-4, which exhorts believers to value others above themselves, looking not only to their own interests but also to the interests of others.

### Conclusion

"The Servant King" by Graham Kendrick is a profound reflection on the humility, servitude, and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Through its poignant lyrics, the song draws from various biblical references to offer both worship to Jesus and a compelling call for believers to live lives marked by service and humility, following the example of Christ, the ultimate Servant King. The Servant King Lyrics -  Graham Kendrick

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