Graham Kendrick - Shine Jesus Shine Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: Shine, Jesus, Shine
  • Album: Amazing Love
  • Artist: Graham Kendrick
  • Released On: 10 Jan 2014
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
Graham Kendrick Shine Jesus Shine

Shine Jesus Shine Lyrics

Lord the light of Your love is shining
In the midst of the darkness shining
Jesus Light of the World shine upon us
Set us free by the truth You now bring us
Shine on me, shine on me

Shine Jesus shine
Fill this land with the Father's glory
Blaze Spirit blaze
Set our hearts on fire

Flow river flow
Flood the nations with grace and mercy
Send forth Your word, Lord
And let there be light

Lord, I come to Your awesome presence
From the shadows into Your radiance
By the blood I may enter Your brightness
Search me, try me consume all my darkness
Shine on me, shine on me

As we gaze on Your kingly brightness
So our faces display Your likeness
Ever changing from glory to glory
Mirrored here may our lives tell Your story
Shine on me, shine on me

Shine Jesus Shine Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Shine Jesus Shine: A Song of Hope and Light

This song has had a significant impact on congregational singing since its composition and continues to be sung in churches worldwide. We will examine the main key messages of the song, its meaning, and delve into its biblical foundation. Let us embark on this journey of hope and light.

Key Messages of the Song:

The song "Shine Jesus Shine" carries several key messages that resonate with Christians around the world. Let us explore these messages as they unfold chronologically within the song's lyrics.

1. The Light of God's Love:
The song opens with the proclamation that the light of God's love is shining in the midst of darkness. This imagery highlights the transformative power of God's love and the hope it brings to a broken world. The line "Jesus Light of the World shine upon us" emphasizes the centrality of Jesus Christ as the source of this light and the one who illuminates our lives.

2. Freedom through Truth:
The next line states, "Set us free by the truth You now bring us." Here, the song acknowledges that true freedom can only be found in the truth of Christ. This aligns with Jesus' own words in John 8:32, where He declares, "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." The song reminds us that the light of Christ's love brings liberation from the bondage of sin and falsehood.

3. Praying for the Father's Glory:
The chorus of the song shifts the focus towards a prayer for God's glory to fill the land. It invites the Holy Spirit to blaze within our hearts, igniting a passionate desire to reflect God's glory. This echoes the Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6:9-10, where Jesus teaches His disciples to pray for God's kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. The song encourages believers to actively seek God's glory and His transformative presence in their lives.

4. Flooding the Nations with Grace and Mercy:
The following line in the chorus declares, "Flow river flow, flood the nations with grace and mercy." This imagery of a river overflowing with God's grace and mercy emphasizes the universal nature of God's love. It reflects the Great Commission given by Jesus in Matthew 28:19-20, where He instructs His disciples to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The song encourages believers to pray for God's grace and mercy to touch the lives of people from every nation and culture.

5. Sending Forth God's Word:
The final line of the chorus states, "Send forth Your word, Lord, and let there be light." This line echoes the creation narrative in Genesis 1:3, where God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. It emphasizes the power of God's Word to bring light into darkness and to bring forth new life. The song encourages believers to pray for the proclamation and spread of God's Word, knowing that it has the power to transform lives and bring about spiritual enlightenment.

Meaning and Inspiration of the Song:

The song "Shine Jesus Shine" is a heartfelt prayer for God's light, truth, glory, grace, and mercy to fill the earth. It is a call for spiritual awakening and revival in the church and a reminder of the transformative power of God's love. The inspiration behind the song came from Graham Kendrick's desire to reflect on the holiness of God and the need for believers to live continually in His presence. He wrote the initial three verses and "road tested" it in his home church. Later, he added the chorus, completing the song's structure.

Critically Analyzing the Biblical Foundation:

As with any Christian song, it is essential to examine its biblical foundation and ensure that its messages align with the teachings of Scripture. In the case of "Shine Jesus Shine," we can find strong biblical references and themes that support its message of hope and light.

1. Jesus as the Light of the World:
The song's emphasis on Jesus as the Light of the World is firmly rooted in Scripture. In John 8:12, Jesus declares, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life." This biblical truth underpins the central message of the song and serves as a reminder of the transformative power of Christ's love.

2. The Truth that Sets Us Free:
The line in the song that speaks of being set free by the truth aligns with Jesus' teaching in John 8:32. Jesus Himself is the truth (John 14:6), and it is through Him that we find true freedom from the bondage of sin and falsehood. The song's message resonates with this biblical truth.

3. Praying for God's Glory and Kingdom:
The chorus of the song aligns with Jesus' teaching on prayer in the Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:9-10). As believers, we are called to seek God's glory and kingdom, desiring His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. The song's prayer for God's glory to fill the land and for His kingdom to come reflects this biblical teaching.

4. The Power of God's Word:
The final line of the chorus, "Send forth Your word, Lord, and let there be light," echoes the creation narrative in Genesis 1:3. It affirms the power of God's Word to bring light and life into darkness. Scripture repeatedly emphasizes the power of God's Word to transform lives, giving it a strong biblical foundation.

In conclusion, "Shine Jesus Shine" is a powerful Christian song that carries messages of hope, light, and the transformative power of God's love. Its biblical foundation is evident in its emphasis on Jesus as the Light of the World, the truth that sets us free, the prayer for God's glory and kingdom, and the power of God's Word. As believers, we can find encouragement and inspiration in this song to seek God's presence, reflect His glory, and share His love with the world. May we continue to let His light shine through us.

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