Graham Kendrick - Say It Loud Lyrics

Say It Loud Lyrics

Far and near hear the call
Worship him, Lord of all
Families of nations come
Celebrate what God has done

Deep and wide is the love
Heaven sent from above
God's own Son for sinners died
Rose again, he is alive

Say it loud, say it strong
Tell the world what God has done
Say it loud, praise his name
Let the earth rejoice
For the Lord reigns

At his name let praise begin
Oceans roar, nature sing
For he comes to judge the earth
In righteousness and in his truth

Say It Loud Video

Say It Loud Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

"Say It Loud" by Graham Kendrick is a song of celebration, praise, and proclamation of the gospel. It serves as a vibrant call to Christians to boldly declare the wonders of God's love and the transformative power of the gospel. This song, with its compelling melody and powerful lyrics, encourages believers to spread the good news of Jesus Christ to every corner of the earth. Let's break down the song chronologically and explore the biblical references and meanings woven throughout its verses.

### Verse 1: Call to Worship

The song begins with a universal invitation to worship, urging people from "far and near" to acknowledge the Lord's sovereignty. This call to worship is reminiscent of Psalms 66:4, which says, "All the earth bows down to you; they sing praise to you, they sing the praises of your name." The verse emphasizes the unity of all nations in celebrating the works of God, reflecting the biblical vision of a day when every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord (Philippians 2:10-11).

### Chorus: Proclaiming God's Deeds

The chorus is a joyous exhortation to loudly proclaim the deeds of God and praise His name. This echoes Psalms 105:1, "Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done." It serves as a reminder of the Christian duty to witness and share the story of God's salvation with the world.

### Verse 2: The Love of God

The second verse speaks of God's deep and wide love, a love that led to the ultimate sacrifice—God’s own Son dying for sinners, only to rise again. This verse is a clear reflection of John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." It centers the gospel message in the song, reaffirming the foundation of Christian faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

### Bridge: Nature's Praise & God’s Judgement

The bridge shifts focus towards the natural world's response to God’s majesty and the coming judgment. This part is inspired by Psalms 96:11-13, which speaks of the heavens rejoicing and the earth being glad. It also mentions God coming to judge the world with righteousness and truth, a reference to Acts 17:31, which speaks of a day fixed by God to judge the world justly through a man He has appointed, offering assurance of this by raising Him from the dead—pointing directly to Jesus.

### Conclusion

"Say It Loud" is not just a song; it's a rallying cry for Christians to live out the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). It calls believers to a life of worship, not just within the confines of a church building, but as a daily act of proclaiming God's love and salvation to the world. Through its biblically rich lyrics, the song inspires a boldness in faith, reminding Christians of the power of their testimony and the joy of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with all nations. Say It Loud Lyrics -  Graham Kendrick

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