Graham Kendrick - Come Now Let Us Reason Together Lyrics

Come Now Let Us Reason Together Lyrics

'Come now let us reason together', says the Lord.
'Though your sins as scarlet,
They shall be white as snow'

Alas, sinful nation a people
Weighed down with sin,
We have abandoned the Lord
And turned away from Him.
Our mind is sick and our heart is faint within,
We are covered in bruises
And sores and have no healing.

So wash yourselves now,
Take your evil deeds from My sight,
Cease from evil and turn around
To do what is right.
Reproving the ruthless,
Defending the helpless and poor;
Where oppression has ruled
The reign of justice restore.

Now if you consent and obey
You'll eat from My hand
But rebellion will bring a sword
To your land.
For those who forsake the Lord
Shall be brought to an end,
But righteousness comes to redeem
Those who turn again.

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