Gold City - God Handled It All Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: God Handled It All
  • Album: Treasures of Gold
  • Artist: Gold City
  • Released On: 04 Aug 2017
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
Gold City God Handled It All

God Handled It All Lyrics

Sinful man in need of redemption hopeless, helpless sinner lost
But the Alpha and Omega brought the answer to a cross
And that's where one day I found Him, sin no longer left a stain
To this day it is a holy, perfect plan

God handled it all His plan was grace
(My god fixed it all) (mercy, love & grace)
And it is mine, hallelujah to His name
(Lovely, lovely name)
When I saw the beginning I saw the end
(I was looking at him) I still see the lamb
God handled it all, it was and is a perfect plan
(Holy perfect plan)

He saw me way back yonder in Eden, knew I needed saving grace
And this heart that loves Him dearly, that is what He sees today
Thru the years I've found him faithful, think I'll trust him on and on
For His plan will lead His children safely home

God handled it all His plan was grace
(My god fixed it all) (mercy, love & grace)
And it is mine, hallelujah to His name
(Lovely, lovely name)
When I saw the beginning I saw the end
(I was looking at him) I still see the lamb
God handled it all, it was and is a perfect plan
(Holy perfect plan)

God Handled It All Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

"God Handled It All" by Gold City is a powerful gospel song that encapsulates the Christian belief in the redemptive power of Jesus Christ and God's overarching plan for salvation. The song is a testimony to God's grace, mercy, and unending love, offering listeners a message of hope and redemption through faith in Jesus Christ. Through a breakdown of the song's lyrics, we can explore the deep theological implications and biblical references that underscore its message.

### Verse 1: The Human Condition and Divine Intervention

The song begins by depicting the human condition as one of sinfulness and lostness, a common theme in Christian theology emphasizing the fall of man and the inherent sin nature of humanity. This is reminiscent of Romans 3:23, "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God," highlighting the universal need for redemption.

The lyrics then transition to God's response to this predicament, stating that the "Alpha and Omega brought the answer to a cross." This is a direct reference to Jesus Christ, who is often referred to as the Alpha and Omega (Revelation 22:13), signifying that He is the beginning and the end. The cross symbolizes the crucifixion of Jesus, an event through which Christians believe sin was atoned for once and for all (Hebrews 10:10). This part of the song highlights the central Christian belief in Jesus' sacrificial death as the means of salvation.

### Chorus: The Perfect Plan of Salvation

The chorus of "God Handled It All" is a proclamation of God's grace and the perfection of His plan for salvation. It echoes Ephesians 2:8-9, which says, "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast." The song emphasizes that salvation is a gift from God, not something earned by human effort, and celebrates the believer's response of hallelujah, a word of praise and gratitude to God.

### Verse 2: The Personal Journey and Eternal Perspective

The second verse reflects on the personal journey of faith, acknowledging God's faithfulness and the believer's trust in Him. This mirrors the sentiment of Proverbs 3:5-6, which encourages trust in the Lord with all one's heart. The lyrics also touch upon the eternal perspective of salvation, suggesting that God's plan will ultimately lead His children safely home, an allusion to the promise of eternal life with God as described in John 14:2-3.

### Conclusion: A Perfect Plan

"God Handled It All" concludes by reiterating the perfection of God's plan for salvation. The mention of seeing "the beginning" and "the end" and still seeing "the lamb" can be interpreted as recognizing Christ's eternal role in salvation history, from creation to the end of time, and His depiction as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29).

In summary, "God Handled It All" by Gold City is a profound expression of Christian faith, emphasizing the sinfulness of humanity, the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ for our sins, and the grace and mercy of God that offers salvation to all who believe. The song is a testament to the hope and redemption found in Jesus, encouraging believers to trust in God's perfect plan for their lives.

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