Gold City - Get Up, Get Ready Lyrics
- Song Title: Get Up, Get Ready
- Album: Their Best
- Artist: Gold City
- Released On: 27 Jun 2006
- Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music

All of Heaven's geting ready for the last and final call.
Heaven's choir is all assembled, an invitation to one and all.
We're waiting with anticipation,
it can happen any day.
cause in the blink of an eye from the eastern sky, we're gonna hear our savior say...
Get Up (get up) get ready, we're getting ready to go.
Get a move on child, cause in a little while
we'll be going home.
I've made up my mind, I'm not waisting time,
the trumpet's about to blow, so get up, get ready, we're getting ready to go.
Now don't you worry about your friends and loved ones who have gone before.
Cause when the Lord comes back, with a shout, he's gonna shake this earthly floor.
The graves are gonna burst wide open, and the dead in Christ will rise, so get up church, and get ready, we're getting ready to fly.
Get Up (get up) get ready, we're getting ready to go.
Get a move on child, cause in a little while
we'll be going home.
I've made up my mind, I'm not waisting time,
the trumpet's about to blow, so get up, get ready, we're getting ready to go.
Oh get Up (get up) get ready, we're getting ready to go.
Get a move on child, cause in a little while
we'll be going home.
I've made up my mind, I'm not waisting time,
the trumpet's about to blow, so get up, get ready, we're getting ready to go.