Fernando Ortega - Don't Let Me Come Home a Stranger Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: Don't Let Me Come Home a Stranger
  • Album: This Bright Hour
  • Artist: Fernando Ortega
  • Released On: 18 Sep 1997
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
Fernando Ortega Don't Let Me Come Home a Stranger

Don't Let Me Come Home a Stranger Lyrics

As I walked out one evening
To breathe the air and soothe my mind,
I thought of friends and the home I had,
And all those things I left behind.

A silent star shone on me,
My eyes saw a far horizon,
As if to pierce this veil of time,
And escape this earthly prison.

Will there come a time when the memories fade.
and pass on with the long, long years,
When the ties no longer bind?
Lord save me from this darkest fear.
Don't let me come home a stranger,
I couldn't stand to be a stranger.

Don't Let Me Come Home a Stranger Video

Don't Let Me Come Home a Stranger Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Fernando Ortega's song "Don't Let Me Come Home a Stranger" is a heartfelt and introspective piece that resonates with many listeners. Released on September 18, 1997, as part of his album "This Bright Hour," the song showcases Ortega's talent for weaving poignant lyrics with emotive melodies. With its themes of longing for connection, fear of estrangement, and the desire for a sense of home, "Don't Let Me Come Home a Stranger" strikes a chord with those grappling with feelings of displacement and uncertainty.

The lyrics of the song evoke a sense of yearning and introspection, as the protagonist reflects on memories of home and the ties that bind them to their past. The plea to not come home as a stranger speaks to a deep-seated fear of losing one's identity and connections, of feeling disconnected and alienated from what once was familiar and comforting. This sentiment of seeking to remain connected to one's roots and to preserve the essence of who they are is a universal human experience.

In the Bible, the importance of belonging and connection is emphasized in various passages. In Ephesians 2:19, it is written, "So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God." This verse highlights the significance of being part of a community and finding a sense of belonging in the family of God. Similarly, in 1 Peter 2:11, believers are encouraged to remember their identity as strangers and exiles on earth, reminding them that their true home is in heaven.

The imagery of a silent star shining on the protagonist as they contemplate their past and future evokes a sense of hope and guidance in the midst of uncertainty. The longing to escape the confines of earthly limitations and to transcend the boundaries of time speaks to a desire for transcendence and spiritual connection. The fear of being forgotten or becoming a stranger to oneself underscores the vulnerability and fragility of human existence.

The chorus's plea, "Lord, save me from this darkest fear, don't let me come home a stranger," encapsulates a prayer for divine intervention and protection from losing one's sense of self and belonging. It is a cry for reassurance and restoration, a plea for grace and mercy to guide them on their journey back to a place of familiarity and acceptance.

As listeners engage with the lyrics of "Don't Let Me Come Home a Stranger," they are invited to reflect on their own sense of belonging and connection. The song serves as a reminder of the importance of staying rooted in one's identity and relationships, of cherishing the memories and bonds that shape who we are. It encourages us to seek solace in the presence of the divine and to trust in the promise of a homecoming that transcends earthly limitations.

In the midst of life's uncertainties and challenges, the message of the song resonates with a timeless truth: that our ultimate home is not bound by physical spaces or temporal realities but is found in the eternal embrace of God's love and grace. As we navigate the journey of life, may we hold fast to the hope that we are never truly alone or estranged, for we are always held in the loving arms of our Creator.

Fernando Ortega's "Don't Let Me Come Home a Stranger" continues to touch the hearts of listeners with its poignant lyrics and haunting melody. Through its themes of longing, fear, and hope, the song invites us to reflect on our own sense of identity and connection, reminding us that ultimately, our true home is found in the presence of God.

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