Fearless BND - Surely Lyrics


Surely Lyrics

If every valley that I walk through
Is a mountain you can move
And every scar is just a story
Of a pain you brought me through

If every morning is a promise
Of a better day to come
And every storm that I have weathered
Brings a river of your love

Then I will sing to that end
Till you come back again
I will sing until Kingdom Come

With all that I am
My soul sings again
With all that I have, Hallelujah 

Verse 2:
If every fire is restoring 
All the old to make it new
And every ocean is a highway
That on a praise you’re riding through

Then I will sing to that end
Till you come back again
I’ll sing until Kingdom Come

With all that I am
My soul sings again
With all that I have, Hallelujah 

Cause all that I know
Is you’re in control
So my heart sings, Hallelujah 

Surely your goodness and mercy
Will walk by my side
Surely your grace and your favour
Will flow through my life

Surely my testimony
Is the empty grave
So I will sing Hallelujah again and again

Verse 3:
For all the times that I decided
That I’d never stand back up
Would you constantly remind me
That your presence is enough

Cause I am ready and I’m able
To walk with only you
Cause if a heart is all you’re wanting
Then I’ll give it just to you

Surely (Official Audio) | Fearless

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